Sunday, February 6, 2011


Michelle, I know you told me not to post any pictures of you, but TOO BAD!

So check this out, these are two of my darling and crazy sister-in-laws who drank 5 Red Bulls and ate an entire package of fruit snacks and tootie fruities an hour before Black Friday shopping began. Ok. No, not really. They would never do that. They get crazy enough without any of those delicious stimulants, so they just came as is. HA!

They dragged me with them (and I'm so glad they did!) at 11:30 p.m. and I was headed to my first Black Friday escapade. It was frr frr frr frrrrreeeeezing outside so we had to bundle up in out snow clothes to stay warm. I thought I might fall asleep in the car on the way to Walmart, but Michelle and Marie were so gitty I was too entertained to close my eyes. Hahaha!

We decided to hit up WALMART first to get toys for the kids and DVD's for the men. I had never done this before, but let me just tell you . . . it was INSANE!

This picture doesn't even begin to portray the busyness of the store and the crowded isles. Look closely at this picture and you can see how many people are backed up and in line for the dumbest things haha. We were so high on excitement!
By the looks of it, do you think it was worth it?
I think I got 15 movies for Ethan and I for under $50.00 bucks. It was so awesome. Some movies were only $1.69 and I was dying. Read at the bottom and I'll tell you my story...

Unfortunately, the three of us got split up at some point during the madness so it was every woman for themselves! Marie pretty much died after some psycho lady ran her over with a shopping cart! Not even kidding. Marie got knocked to the ground and her shoes have track marks on them. Her life was in danger, all because of the silly Toy Story 3 action figures. Marie, I'm glad you risked your life for your children's happiness.

Similarly, Michelle suffocated in the claustrophobic movie arena. She bent down to get a DVD and a whole swarm of people surrounded her in .2 Her eyes got wide, her hands started shaking, and she started to FREAK OUT. Her adrenalin kicked in and she was about ready to push somebody off their feet. So funny!

As for me, I held my own and joined in with the pushing and shoving. Some group of kids tried to cut in line and I pushed my cart till it hit one of theirs so they couldn't cut. I was thinking, "Oh HECK no! You aren't budging in front of me!" I had to laugh at myself at how serious and competitive I was getting with the whole thing. Once I reached the DVD center I just pushed myself in between people and put as many DVD's in my basket as I could. The whole time I was laughing at myself and at everyone else who was going crazy.

Somehow we all managed to meet up again and began the elimination process. We each told one another our stories and almost peed our pants from laughing. After Walmart we headed to the outlet mall to search for baby clothes. By this time it was 1:30 a.m. and I was shocked to see all the shops full of people. Out of all the things we bought I highly recommend going to "The Children's Place" and "Osk-Kosh" stores because everything was 50% off Well worth the money spent. I got Wyatt some snow boots for $12.oo bucks. I was so pleased.

What a wonderful adventure we all had together that served to be a great bonding experience too. I came to love Marie and Michelle much more after that experience. It was especially fun because all the children were gone--I got to see the two of them how they really are instead of in "Mommy Mode". This was refreshing and fun to see them so gitty and silly. I loved it.

Even if you don't have many gifts to buy, go with some family members and have an exciting experience together. You'll be glad you did :)


The French Way said...

Oh my gosh! I can just picture you guys! Hahahaha wish I was there! Glad you all are safe and sound!

Aubrey said...

ok I have missed your last 3 posts! For some reason it hasn't showed that you've update on my sidebar. Strange. I'm glad you've been posted, I was starting to wonder if this blog was going into extinction. Love you sis. Maybe next year we can have our first black Friday adventures together. Ah. Makes me nervous thinking about how feisty I'll get :)California has done crazy things to me in the feisty department!

The Batemans said...

If I was tougher than you I would probably beat you up for posting those ha ha jk! That was really fun even if I did almost lose my life for a few DVDs! Heres to next year!! Love Ya Ash

gelly said...

Thanks for sharing all your adventures!! Loved hearing about you hiding in Sportsmans...haha...