Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Story of Christmas Past......

Long, long, ago, when the Felix family used to keep up on their blog posts, there was a happy time of great joy. It was the time of year when snow drifted from the sky, colorful lights shone throughout the city, pine trees decorated living rooms, sweet carols were sung, and presents were strewn about the floor wrapped in plaid, check, poka-dot, and stripe. The Christmas season was alive and well in our hearts and we celebrated it humbly this year.

Money was scarce, time was evaporating, and our hearts were filled with the Savior's love. Our hearts were touched and softened as we took care of 3 stray cats during the freezing winter months. We invited more families into our home and gave more thanks to those people and things around us. Although we didn't spend money on gifts for each other, we were given more than we could have asked for. We were truly blessed and were given so much despite our humble circumstances.

We learned one very important lesson this year, "What goes around comes around," and "Do unto others as thou wouldst have them to unto you . . ." Last year we had more money, more time, and more ability to give to others and bless their lives. Last year we did the 12 days of Christmas to a family who was in need. We delivered some small baskets of food to other families so they could have a Christmas meal of some sort together etc. Now, that role completely switched and we were the recipients of kindness, love, and the spirit of Christmas. We were truly humbled and brought to tears at the many acts of love that were thrown our way.

Two separate families did the 12 days of Christmas to us, both sides of our family spoiled us with gifts that were very much needed, and the three of us enjoyed the few gifts we could manage for one other. It's amazing to think that this was one of our favorite Christmas seasons out of all, and yet, we had hardly anything. Perhaps that is why. Christmas is not all about the presents and Santa Clause fantasies . . . it's about the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. It's about all the characteristics that he possesses: love, patience, kindness, long suffering, guidance, mercy, peace, healing, service, faithfulness, and so much more! We felt a lot of love this Christmas season and we tried to give a lot of it too. It was a wonderful Christmas this year.

Here are a few pictures of our Christmas past in 2010:

Wyatt's first experience with Santa :)

Wyatt was so excited about the toys his Grandma's gave him! Look at that face.
Also, Wyatt had that bow on his head all night hee-hee.

This was the first gift we opened as part of the 12 days of Christmas...
We had a lot of fun with these as you can see.

These were our Christmas ornaments we got for each other this year. Since we played together on the same co-ed Softball team on campus, we decided these would be fun ornaments to have.There are a few things I wish to remember about this year's Christmas experience:

#1: A couple quotes or sayings I heard,

"It's not about the presents under the tree, it's about your presence here next to me."
-Eva Cassidy-

"When all you've got is nothing, there's a lot to go around."
-Prince of Egypt-

"Never take Christ out of Christmas." (By writing x-mas)
-Marie Parkinson-

#2: The wonderful time we spent with our family:
We went sledding together at the Hydeaway Ranch and we had so much fun! Ethan and I had a hard laugh when we tried to sled down the huge hill and both of us ended up biffing it hard. A whole gust of piercing cold snow plastered my face as I was swooshing down the hill. I laughed so hard through my painful tears.
#3: How blessed we are: we have truly been blessed with so much this Christmas season. Many people reached out to us and helped us when they probably didn't even know that we needed it. the Lord has been very mindful of our situation(s) and He has blessed us because of our faithfulness in paying our tithing. We have food on the table, a roof over our head, financial aid to finish our education, clothes on our back, a very happy and joyful son, and we're livin' on love. Sometimes we don't know how we're going to make it, but somehow we always do with the Lord's help.

#4: Our trip to Arizona to visit Nana and Aunt Melissa: details and pictures found on another post.
#5: The stray cats that we took care of and fed outside our apartment: we have never felt bad for any of the stray cats that roam around our complex until this year. We have lived here for 3 years and so have these cats. This year, these kitties are on their 3rd generation. There were three cats in particular that found refuge among our rumage outside.
1) Black Cat= "Miner" since he's black as coal I thought of a coal mine and named him accordingly. Miner was a good cat. Very friendly to humans, but nasty to the other cats because he was in charge. If we placed food outside, Miner always grabbed it first and often stole the other's food portions. Notty, notty. I actually had to gently kick Miner a few times so the others didn't starve.
2) Orange Cat= "Julious" I named him this because he reminded me of an Orange Julious drink I've had before. Yummmm. He, on the other hand, was not so yummy. This cat would scurry off anytime we tried to go near him. He was the selfish one that only cared about his own safety and health. If miner was the King of the crew, Julious would be the Prince--he was second in command.
3) Grey & White Cat= "Tri-pod" Ohhhhh dear Tri-pod. What a poor little fellow. He would be the pheasant of the crew. Unfortunately, Tri-pod got his name because he only has 3 legs. Sad, I know. My heart was set on this little guy and I tried so hard to fight of the others so he didn't get beat up. I had to specifically stand outside in the freezing cold one night for about 15 min (without a coat on) to fight off the other two kitties from stealing his tuna fish. I stood there the entire time throwing kicks and making hissing noises at the others to warn them to stay away from my Tri-pod. This poor cat does pretty well on his own, but he sure knows when to scurry to avoid future lacerations of his limbs.
Although most of our neighbors hate these cats and have complained about them the entire winter, we could not help ourselves in helping them. I had a change of heart toward these cats this year and I have no clue why. All I know is that it felt good to help them survive the winter and provide shelter for them. I believe we helped keep them alive and that made me feel warm and fuzzy. Sadly, our owners have set out traps now to catch these little ones and have already successfully caught Miner. It broke my heart to think that they don't give a lick for them and are probably going to kill it or something. Rude. Anyway, can you tell my heart goes out for them?
#6: Our Savior, Jesus Christ and the Spirit of Christmas: I really felt the love of my Savior more than anything this year and my heart was full of love for all people, creatures, and things. I really felt the spirit of Christmas and hope that will stick with me in years to come. That's really what it's all about. God gave us everything that we have and without Him, we are nothing.


Nathan & Marlese Seaver said...

Ash thanks for your awesome blog post... they are SO true and down to earth and always bring me to a pensive moment after I look at them... wether it me sincere like this post or one about stinky feet it... i get the same result... thanks for all you guys do to lift the spirit of others. we miss you guys!

Jill said...

Love to read about your adventures. You have ALWAYS had a way with words! I think someone should start a 364 days of new project!?!?!

The French Way said...

Glad to see you are still alive! sounds like you had a great Christmas (3 months ago :) ) love ya

Jessica said...

HEY! This post is a bit late, it is March you know. But I LOVE that pic of Wyatt in front of the tree with that huge O on his face! so cute! We miss you guys a TON. Please stop and see us if you are ever coming through. LOVE YOU! call me anytime after 3:00 except on Tuesdays and Thursdays :)

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