Saturday, August 11, 2012


The quest is on.
My little boy has decided he's a BIG boy.
He's a little excited about it- so excited that he wet himself 4 times during this photo shoot. (Haha)
Obviously, he doesn't get the whole pee in the toilet thing yet.
This is perhaps the biggest adventure of the summer yet!

I have no idea what I'm doing 

Friday, August 3, 2012

"OH, HI, O!"

One thing about the eastern part of the United States= there are millions of trees EVERYWHERE.
Which also means lots of fun metro parks to enjoy.
I've taken many trips to the woods with my walking group of gals at 7:00a.m. as well as with Wyatt and his friends to go exploring and play in the water.
This time, it was Daddy's turn to come join in the fun.

Wyatt got so excited every time he discovered the trail markers. He especially liked the squirrels. The arrows on the sticks made a great teaching moment for me to teach which way arrows point etc.

 I'm so glad I got this face on camera.
Wyatt has so many faces and many of them go "uncaptured" by the camera. 
I finally got this one!
It's as if he's saying, "I just did something and I think it was pretty cool."

The company gets together every Wednesday to "bond" with each other in some way.  The company's favorite activity is going to the park up the road and playing beach volleyball . . . well, they TRY to at least. Haha! It's actually quite funny to watch them. You can see Eth's mad jumping skills here haha- Carl totally blocked him one handed. This was a funny moment caught on camera.
As usual, it kills me to have to watch Wyatt and not play.
Thankfully, Ethan will take turns with me so I can play a game.
 Injury caused by a company Basketball game :(
 Ethan & I got placed on the same basketball team for the company tournament and we were actually really excited about it. We definitely held our own and it was a our date activity for about two weeks. We were having fun, burning calories and using our bodies, when Eth's foot twisted and something popped. No bueno.
It got so bad that he had to take day off of work so it could heal, somewhat.
Love this tan line... and his cute wittle bum, bum.

 I'm not quite sure when Wyatt started jumping into the water this way, but I'm sure he'll learn why it's called the, "Nutcracker" someday.
I love my happy boy.

This cracked me up. He was so exhausted he fell asleep like that on the chair.
How uncomfortable!
Spend a day at the local mall that is HUGE compared to Idaho's malls hee, hee. Wyatt loved the train ride and the pet store.
 What do you do with Costco's apple container?
You use it as a buffet tray :)
Ever since I bought my first package of apples in this container, it caused my mind to think, "What can I do with this container?"
I've used it for playing games with Wyatt;
for categorizing things we find outside like grass, leaves, tiny rocks, BIG rocks, sticks etc.
There's so many things you can do with it!
 One my favorite moments- every time Wyatt goes to say a prayer- so sweet.
 A delicious and nutritious lunch before work.

When it rains here, it rains HARD. Our apartment  is to the left of that bush.
How on earth are we supposed to get to our apartment without getting soaked?
Well, we walk along the wood and then practice our long jump skills across the river.
Wyatt loves to play in the rain like this though.
This is not normal, but Wyatt wakes up before Ethan and I every morning. Most the time he'll just wake up and start playing with toys and he won't even say a word to us. We usually wake up to noises in the front room and we know he's awake.
One morning, I turned the corner and this is what I found. Bwaaa hahha!
I love my sweet boy.
 One day I had a thought, "When I was younger, I used to like to EXPLORE and find stuff. I bet Wyatt and his friends would like to do something like that."
So my wheels started turning & I thought of a way for them to have fun but LEARN and DISCOVER things at the same time. I spent about an hour making the map, the clues, the balloon swords, and setting it up. Actually, probably more than that but it was totally worth it. These kids ate. it. up.

 This was my favorite picture. These four boys running to the next clue. They are actually in exact order from oldest to youngest too. (Wyatt's the follower haha)
 Wyatt talked about this map for WEEKS afterwards. He kept begging me to go on another hunt.
Lincoln Harrison found the treasure and wouldn't put it down ;)
 Just havin' fun in the summertime. This is a common occurrence for us outside.
I remembered going here as a kid and I loved it. I really wish Ethan could join us for more of these fun activities that we do, but I'm so glad he's got a job and that he's working hard.
 We came here for a birthday party for Breeze Marie, Wyatt's next door neighbor GIRLfriend :)  We have become really good friends with this couple, Jessica & Jon Ghrist, and we love their kids, Breeze & Koston. I do something with these guys nearly every other day; we have a lot of fun.
 I neglected to put up some Father's Day pictures, so here are a few.

 I secretly love it when Wyatt comes in to our room early in the morning and wakes Daddy up. He's always got some question on his mind or some book/toy to show Daddy. You can tell Eth is fresh out of sleep here HA!
 It was one of those days when the kid in me said, "GO!"
I put my suit top on and joined Wyatt for some puddle jumping in the rain.
Nothing else mattered to me while I was playing in the rain... all my attention was focused on this little guy and his his huge grin and silly laugh. He loved it and so did I.
Although I would never live here in Ohio if I could help it, we give it 2 thumbs up for the kind of adventures we've had while we've lived here.

Life is how you make it.
You gotta take the situation you're placed in and make the best of it.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

4th of July in OHIO

Hip, Hip, Hooray for July 4th!
Instead of the usual hometown parade of nice cars and prom queens, or the firework show in Idaho Falls, or the visiting with family members around a BBQ, we had to be creative and make it festive. We missed our family and close friends for this wonderful celebration of our country, but we enjoyed our day with the company of our VIVINT friends. The company was kind enough to get all of us tickets to the INDIANS BASEBALL GAME!
At the game we enjoyed ALL YOU CAN EAT concessions- Wyatt & Ethan definitely took advantage of this opportunity. Wyatt loves his pizza :) Unfortunately, I was waiting to get my ice cream until later, when all of a sudden, I heard a cannon and the game was over! I was so worried about entertaining Wyatt and talking with people that I didn't realize it was over. I was disappointed in myself that I did not spoil myself with delicious ice cream of my choice. Oh well. The game was still fun.
First time watching a major league baseball game together. We enjoyed it. (Next in line, an NBA basketball love... our anniversary is coming up. Hint, hint)
Naturally, we took turns walking around with Wyatt and getting him treats since he didn't really understand what the little ants were doing on the field. It seems that at most sporting events, when there are parents & small children involved, the wife willingly offers to watch the younger ones so the husband can watch the game or teach his sons how to play etc. Unfortunately for Ethan, I was just as desirous to watch the game as he was so we had to thumb war over who would take Wyatt for a while. I love our relationship haha!
I couldn't stop staring at this picture later that night. He looks so grown up in this picture. Bitter/sweet
CHEESE! Me and my little buddy.

I thought this was a neat sight.
Ethan enjoys being spoiled and enjoys his food. He was loving this opportunity.
I don't know what motivates Ethan to do such things, but he turned to one of the workers and asked, "Is there any way I could go down there are just step on the field? I'm from Wyoming and I'm just a country boy who doesn't get out much. Would they let me?"  The lady chuckled and said, "Ya, sure! If you want to spend the night behind bars."
All of us laughed hard but Ethan wasn't satisfied. He walked down to the field and talked to the police officers. When they saw him walking so close to the field, the police officers looked like they were ready to tackle if Eth would have walked on the field. Sure enough, minutes later, Ethan's down there talking with 3 police offers and I see him laughing and the officers shook his hand. He demanded that I at least get a picture of him down by the field. Oh, silly Effie.
2 comments about this picture:
 A) You know me and how much I love black people :) I strategically sat down right in between them but they thought I was a crazy woman. I was whipping out motivational tattoos for Wyatt, glow sticks, stickers, coloring books, and even a balloon kit to make hats and animals for the kids hahaha! They were all staring at me and I have no clue what they were thinking. But hey, what can they expect from someone who is used to friendly Idaho people? AND, I'm from out of town, AND I don't really care what other people think of me, AND I even made the little black kid in the wife beater happy cuz I gave him a glow stick and made him a balloon hat. (The parents eased up after they realized I was just a nice person--a weird person for those parts.)
B) Look at Cleveland behind us. Isn't it purty?
To all those who were home celebrating in their own way, know that the Felix family LOVES YOU. I'm always grateful for this time of year because it helps me remember the freedom I have to choose and to worship the God I love. Thanks to God and the inspired fathers of this country, I am able to live in a nation that is free. America truly is, ONE NATION, UNDER GOD.