Saturday, May 1, 2010

Woo-hoo . . . 22

Happy Birthday to me!
The actual day of my birth was a glorious day for the world, I must admit. I was probably the 53rd baby out of the 247 baby girls that were born that year with the name Ashley. I feel honored that my older brother Jaxon named me after his girlfriend in grade school. I guess that's why I've always been his favorite sister :)

Sadly, I was the baby that put my Mother into depression, but hey, I turned out alright . . . right? I've now been alive for 22 years. Every year that goes by is wonderful, but I'm already starting to dislike Birthdays. Not only are they less exciting because hardly anybody knows about your Birthday like they did in elementary school, but you don't get the same parties and spoiledness as you do as a kid. Now I miss all the presents my Mommy used to give me haha

On the day of my Birthday, April 29th, the day was like any other day really. I didn't feel any different and I had to go to school, clean Lovell's, do homework, and Ethan had to work that night, so it was hard for it to feel all exciting you know? Anyway, I was graced with some nice cards from my family and friend, including a $5.00 McDonald card to buy me-self a LARGE chocolate milkshake, and a $5.00 card to Jamba Juice, and $20.00 to do whatever I please, a CD mix of songs, and movies from my husband etc.... I actually love the more simple gifts like the card to McDonald's. To know that family and friends are poor (just like we are) yet they still find something to give on a special day really makes me smile :) Gifts are not measured by their amount or size, but on the thought and the love that comes with it. I'm so grateful for all the little things I received. It did make me feel loved.
Ethan knows that I absolutely LOVE watching movies, so of course, he got me some for my Birthday. He bought me WALL-E, Robin Hood, A Goofy Movie, Loony Tunes, Tom and Jerry, and one more I forgot. We decided that we wanted to start collecting child appropriate movies for Wyatt and the rest of the fam that will come later on . . . I love Disney movies!

While Eth was working at Big 5, I was invited to eat dinner with my parents, Maddie, and Tanner at home; how fun that was. The dinner was delicious and the company was the best. I specifically liked the going around the table tradition we have as a family :) (You all know what I'm talking about) I've missed that now that I'm older, so it was nice to do it again.

After dinner, Maddie and I decided to bond together and hang out for fun. We headed to the Rex and got tickets to the show, "The Last Song". For those of you who haven't seen it, I think you should. I will admit, I predicted every single thing that happened in the movie because it was predictable and a bit cheesy, but it had a really good message to it. Both Maddie and I were brought to tears together . . . we balled together . . . and laughed together . . . and all alone . . . we were the ONLY 2 PEOPLE in the entire theater! Hahahahahaha we both died laughing. No, but seriously, it's a good movie, unless of course you are anti-Miley Cirus, then stay far away.
On Friday, Ethan and I celebrated my Birthday together in Idaho Falls where we ate out at one of my favorite restaraunts, "Olive Garden". We both splurged and I ordered something scrumdiddlyumptiousousness... It's called the "Mixed Grill" and I savored each and every bite it was so good. Whitney Howard got to be our lovely waitress and she recommended it; good job whitter. After that we rode home together and watched the "Prestige" on our very own surround sound. It was a pretty chill Birthday, but I enjoyed the time alone with Ethan :)
Oh and I definitely can't forget the wonderful, happy, bonding time with WYATT! Oh how I love this boy :)


gelly said...

What a fun birthday you had!! Totally know what you are talking about with the "birthdays when you're little" thing. My favorite thing was bringing cupcakes for the class on my birthday, cause it was like an instant popularity party!

Wyatt is SO. DARN. CUTE! I just wanna kiss his cheeks!

Team Allen said...

yay. Happy Birthday to ASHLEY! Soo..I did actually think about you on your birthday. I don't even know quite honestly my dear how I remembered your birthday out of the clear blue..but you did cross my mind. I love that you love Disney Movies..I know why. Can you say MOE AND ROE have rubbed off on someone :)

I love you..I am VERY happy you are alive. you have brightened my life! HAve a wonderful 22nd year.

Pierce said...

Happy late Birthday andy!!! It looked like you had a great one! I know i miss the big birthday to but even the little birthdays you seem to remember. I cant believe how big Wyatt is getting. He is so cute!!! Love ya

JeNnA said...

Nahtan and I started collecting children appropraite movies too! Sounds like a fun birthday to me. When did tanner get home? bet thats fun! Your baby boy is darling! and so are you. miss ya girly!

Beth Willmore said...

Ok I TOTALLY feel you about the birthday thing - the older you get the less of a big deal they are. Kind of sad really! I'm glad you had a good day though - and I totally agree with you about the Last Song. (I can't believe you're only 22 though- that makes me feel ancient!)

Valerie said...

Once you turn 29, tell your kids that you will start getting younger and one day they will be older than you. I did with Buttercup and she totally believed me. It helps make the birthdays a little more bearable.

Happy Birthday to my little Beehive!

Jaxon said...

I'm glad that you still remember that I was the one that named you :) And I wished that girl in grade school was my girlfriend.

Jill said...

It was a glorious day 22 years ago! I wouldn't call it depression but rather "how to handle three kids with only two hands?" kind of a dealio. You have brought me joy for 22 yrs. and I look forward to 22 more! I love Shweezie!!!

Jesika Harmon said...

Happy Birthday Ash!! What a darling family picture at the top of your blog! Holy Cow little Wyatt is SO cute! I always say if the baby is big he must be drinking some pretty good milk right :)

tiana said...

I'm so happy that I found your blog! I'm miss seeing you at the Hospital. Happy Late Birthday! It was fun to get to see pictures of your cute little boy! What a cute family you have.