Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A Blizzard in April...welcome to ICE-BURG

This has happened before. Spring began to shine through the winter season and I got very excited for the fresh air, flowers, sunlight, warm weather, swimming, bike rides and more! But then I had to come to grips with myself and remember that this is Rexburg a.k.a. Iceburg. I could not get my hopes up too soon--and for a good reason. Just this week, down came the snow, down came the cold weather, (more like a mini blizzard). Since I had prepared myself for this expected storm I decided to make some good out of it. I bundled Wyatt up in his snow outfit and headed to Grandma's house to take some winter pictures. Look what we got!

If these aren't the cutest pictures you've ever seen, then I don't know what you're looking at! HA

See everyone, you can always make some good out of a not-so-good situation :) ( I'll try to remember this quote if it snows on my birthday this month. That would damper my spirits on my special day.)


Unknown said...

He is adorable!! I love is snow outfit. And we will be coming to Rexburg may 7th, so maybe we can stop by and say Hi! and then get the movie back at the same time!!

Brian and Kayla said...

He is SO cute Ashley! And great photography on those shots too! We miss Rexburg, cold and all!

Pierce said...

My godson is getting so big!!! He is so stinkin cute oh I just want to kiss him all over.

gelly said...

Adorable. What more can I say? Him and you both!

And I'm totally not offended that you forgot that my egg-o was prego. No big deal. I'm probably coming to Idaho in August--we should get together for lunch. :)

Team Allen said...

hahaha oh my gosh. These are the cutest things ever. He totally looks like an Anderson. I was laughing so hard at that close up of his face. I think I may have seen you make that face before..you are a lucky girl your baby is sooo adorable. hope life is good :) you deserve it.
p.s. jill rocks with her camera! I need help :(

Jill said...

Love you, love Wyatt and still loving my camera. Cute subjects make my job easy!!!Thanks for coming over.

The French Way said...

how fun but cold! ok so i can totally see chase in wyatt or vise versa. they look alike to me in these pics! well they are cousins and all!! :) love ya

Kevin and Keeli said...

OH he's a doll! How cute!

Nathan & Marlese Seaver said...

:) haha i love it! way to go ash and way to keep the optimism! I can't believe how big he is getting.. ps cute snow suit! hahaha

JeNnA said...

very cute pictures!!! good job! and way to be postive!! Seriously! I am sick of hearing everyones bad attitudes about the weather!

Jaxon said...

These pictures make me miss you and Rexburg

Maddie and Tanner Stevens said...

oh my adorable!