Friday, May 28, 2010

Talent or just plain weirdness?

I have discovered that I can be an odd duck at times. Maybe this isn't new to you, but still, I have just realized this lately. Why? Because of the ridiculous way I tend to communicate with others. Here is an example:

1) I was texting my sister, Aubrey, a few nights ago and asked her how her dinner tasted that night. (I had given her a new recipe to try and wanted to know how she liked it.) Here is our textation.....conversation:

Me: So on a scale of 1 to 10: one being dragged through a pile of mud with maggots and leaches attaching to your body, and ten being brought to the pearly gates of heaven . . . where did dinner fall? Aubrey: Oh Wow! Ha! I would say the consensus would be an 8! Very tasty! For me tho it hasn't sat well in my tummy :( it was good going down but I don't feel too hot right now.
Me: Good! That is a wonderful consensus mine sister . . . I was thinking that could be compared to a hot day on the beach enjoying the birds and the waves. Then, unfortunately for you though, your body seemed to have burned profusely from the suns rays. I'm so sorry :( ETC...

2) This time I had just spent 2 hours revising and editing a paper for Ethan and I wrote him a reply email with the edited paper attached to it.

Ethan's email: I love you here you go.
My response:

Yo, yo my home skillet. So check it out . . .your home girl just spent 2 hours revising that junk (it's not really junk haha) and some payment is in order fool. Hook me up with a flick tonight and you got yourself a deal for real. Fo shizzle my nizzle. This chick made you sound like a million bucks yo--she knows how to REP-RE-SENT! Hollah!

Keepin' it real, livin' in the streets,

Your pimpy love, Ash-dog

I had one hilarious textation with Ethan about a month ago in which I talked like I lived in the 1800's. It was probably the best example I had of my interesting verbage haha. I'm sorry I do not have it to share with you, but I'm sure that I'll have plenty more in the near future.

So until our eyes shall once again gaze into the depths of each others souls, I shall bid thee farewell and mine heart yearns for your happiness. May ye be blessed for reading the epistle of Ashley.


Beth Willmore said...

Thanks for the good laugh tonight! It was fun to see you this week too!

Aubrey said...

it's a talent. truly mine sister.

Ashley Sullenger said...

You are weird.

haha but a good weird!!!! Wyatt will have such an interesting life...Jill Jr. :) Thanks for e-mailing me that song!!! Rigby 9th ward girls will be representing!

Ben's Major Jaw Reconstruction said...

Haha Andy I think it is definitely talent!! Seriously...who doesn't love talking to you? Ya never know what you're gonna hear next! :) Your little family is so cute by the way! Wyatt has such a handsome smile! :) HOpe you are doing well!!!!

Lacey said...

I found your blog through Chalyse (smalls). :) It made me smile to know I have a way to see how your life is going! You and your hubby and baby boy are so cute! I am adding you on my blog girl! Miss ya!

Andrew_Mobile said...

Ash you are so FUNNY!! Loves the way you communicate!!

Valerie said...

Fo Shizzle, your nizzle, I never knew you were such a pimpy Ash Dog.

You seriously had me rolling on the floor. Such a crazy lady!!

The Congers said...

Hey girl,
Love your blog! Mine is

Bethany Sines said...

ashley, you're so weird. ; )