Sunday, May 16, 2010

HAIR--be gone!


For those of you who know me, you know that when I say, "I'm going to cut my hair short this time..." I never really do it-- until now. I finally did what I said I was going to do for so many years! Yes, I know it's not super short still but hey, I think it's definitely an improvement :) I have to say "Ewwwwww" because whenever you look at a before and after photo of yourself, you realize how incredibly homely you were before haha. That's how I feel with the picture above, (not to mention I didn't do my hair that day anyway which makes it worse). I am so pleased with my haircut and I'm lovin' how it looks in the morning when I do it. Ladies, it really does make a difference when you do something to change your look or improve your outfit, or beautify your eyebrows or nails etc... You don't have to go all pricey and extravagant or anything, but just a little somethin' can really brighten your countenance. I feel more confident in myself and I enjoy looking in the mirror a little bit more because of this change. I think every woman needs to do something like this when they get a little down on themselves or when things get stuck in a routine 24.7 I encourage you ladies to make sure and do yourself a little primping up when you need it :)

It's been kind of funny this past week because I will run into someone and they say hello to me, smile at me, wave at me, and look at me, but they don't know who I am ha-ha. It takes them a moment before they realize it's me with my hair cut short. I just chuckle and then we start talking about how different I look. I don't think it's like a night/day difference at all, but you definitely have to do a little double take when you first see me. Anyway, I love the hair so far and thank goodness it's not too hard of a hairstyle that I can style it myself. So for you people who have been waiting for me to really cut my hair, (specifically Megan, Aubrey, Mom, Maddie, Kayle, and Chalyse) there you go... I did it! Thanks Lizzay.


Ryan said...

AHH!! you chopped it! I'm so so proud of you :) haha. It is kinda fun huh? I've had my fun chopping for a little while now, I think I'll grow it out..Well you look super cute, and i sure miss you! love ya

Aubrey said...

YAY! You finally did it and isn't it fabulous?! Love you sis, you look beautiful

Valerie said...

You did it!! Good on you! It looks very nice! But you're beautiful no matter what length your hair is.

I totally agree with your statement on feeling good after a visit with the hair dresser. My dog, Lola is proof! Her hair got very long and shaggy and she was hiding in the house and moping around. I took her to the groomer and got her clean and pretty and now she bounds around the yard barking at the squirrels... "look at how pretty I am!" Seriously, there was a change in her!

Pierce said...

You look beautiful I love the hair and Im always up for a good change it always grows back or seems to take on a new color. but i love it!!! YOu look amazing!!

Team Allen said...

aww you look soo cute!!
I thougt when you say chop, you mean fifth grade style. But I like this style too :)

Brian and Kayla said...

Okay you totally didn't look homely. You are a knockout and I would never associate that word with you. Haha. But I know what you mean about doing a little something to jumpstart your look.

gelly said...

Cute!! Love it. But you never looked homely before with your long golden strands. Change is fun though, eh?

Your little Wyatt man is growing so much! He reminds me a little bit of Aubrey's Jay.

Adam,Emily, Paisley, Hayden, and Landon said...

love love love it! so fun! I am glad you did it! so cute!

Rowbury Adventures said...

aww your hair looks so great!! For some reason I have not noticed any of your updates..your baby is SOOO Adorable! and I LOVE your new hair cut, super cute like always!

Nathan & Marlese Seaver said...

I really like it friend... we need to hang and soon. :) if the weather would ever heat up that would be nice.


Lizzy said...

You make me want to cut mine-it looks really cute Ash! Jes said she had so much fun with you up in Idaho, I'm excited to see you soon!