Saturday, May 29, 2010

Our last graduate and baby, Maddie


I can't believe this actually happened. Maddie is now officially graduated from high school. Is she old enough to be doing this? Is she really going to college in the Fall? Is she free to go date around now and meet oodles of people? This all just doesn't seem right, but it's real. As Maddie would say, "Wait . . . that's not real."

Maddie has been a wonderful little sister. She is a beautiful girl with many talents and she's friends with anybody she meets. I was told the other day that a handicap boy in her grade at school absolutely LOVES Maddie. All this kid can talk about is how cool Maddie is and how nice she is to him. I guess she signed his yearbook this past week and afterwords, he went running around showing all his teachers how Maddie had signed his yearbook. This meant the world to him and he wanted everyone to know that Maddie was in his yearbook forever. Maddie took the time to reach out to someone who is more commonly rejected by others and made him her friend. I'm sure Maddie has made an impact on many kids in her class, one way or another. Although high school is a joke, I know Maddie has been "real" to a lot of people and they will remember who she is the rest of their lives.

Since my parents were gone on a cruise I got to REPRESENT for the family and I went to all her concerts and things. Maddie, you did SO GOOD playing in your orchestra concert! I was very impressed with how well you executed your solo's. I don't know who was better in high school, you or me, but you sure kicked my trash as far as not messing up in your final concert ha. I remember I had a huge solo and I messed up pretty bad. I was way embarrassed . . . and I had the most retarded hair ever. Ugh, what a joke.

It's so weird that Maddie is going to college now, but I'm excited for her to grow up, mature, meet new friends, and get away from all the drama. Maddie dealt with a lot of drama that she didn't deserve, so college should be a relief; hopefully. College for me was full of fun times. I definitely lived the life and I loved it. There are still some times I reflect upon my year living out and I wish I could go back. Why? Because of all the "hanging out" I did with gals and guys, for all the checking guys out on campus and trying to be friends with everyone, I miss hearing about parties and just popping up randomly wherever it was, I miss the stage when Ethan and I were dating too. All the butterflies I got when he'd call my cell phone, how shy I used to get when I talked about him to my friends, I loved holding his hand around campus because I felt "cool" that I was taken HA! I miss him coming to my apartment and eating breakfast with me on the front steps, the long rides and talks we had in his truck, going out to the dry farms and talking under the stars, going out to eat when I didn't have to pay a dime, all the notes he used to write me that said things like, "Good morning sunshine, you look beautiful!" or "Pretty flowers for a pretty . . .?" (he would make me finish the sentence and say "girl") and "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me etc..." For the lunches we had together every Thursday up at the temple where we'd eat pizza and sandwiches--he always felt cool and his workers always teased him about eating lunch with me. He used to come to my Volleyball or Basketball games and cheer me on big time! He'd yell so loud for me and try to get my attention while playing. I acted like I hated it, but inside I was thrilled :) I miss him tickling my hand in the car while driving because he couldn't keep his hands off me; he liked me so much. Most of all, I miss him taking me on crazy dates and always sticking to his motto of, "GO BIG, or go home!" Those days were amazing and full of so many laughs and tears of joy. I've never felt closer to a million bucks than when I dated Ethan. Most of my memories of college are with Ethan and I am so grateful I got to experience the things I did and make friends with so many people. I have these fun times and great memories to look back on forever. Sure, if I could go back I would change some things and try to do even more activities and such, but I'm happy with what I experienced and who I fell in love with :) Now I'm married to one of the funniest men on the planet and I have a darling little boy--life is good.

So Maddie, I wish you luck with your experience in college and want you to know that if you ever want a girls night together, or if you want to talk about boys (for real this time, because dating is from now on, FOR REAL) then you know where I am. I will always be here for you and I'll be rooting you on miss Maddie. I love you and I'm proud of you. You are a wonderful young lady who is envied by many. Keep living right and being an example and you will be a lighthouse to all those who meet you. Once again, CONGRATULATIONS GRADUATE OF 2010! I love you so much Mammy.


Pierce said...

Holy cow I cant believe my jr high friend is graduated!!! Maddie is an awesome girl and im proud to call her my friend at the time jr high friend look how fast time flies. Tell her congrats for me and that im so proud of her and good luck on the next step in life. Oh and give Wyatt a big kiss from his godmother. Miss you and hope everything is going great.

gelly said...

Yay for Maddie! She has so much going for her!
Loved hearing your stories about dating Ethan. It's fun to look back on the courtship phase of the relationship, isn't it?

bren said...

Wow beauty must run in your family Ashley! You and your sister are gorgeous. Also, I think Wyatt is so cute- his smile makes me laugh, he looks so mature. (in your heading picture.:) Hope you guys are doing well there in Rexburg.

-Brendi Blankenfeld

Maddie and Tanner Stevens said...

wow my amazing sister. That just made me cry. i didn't even see this until now, but wow it means a lot. Thank you so much ash. I love you more than you'll ever know.
