Friday, February 19, 2010

FuN ViDeOs!


Vivian said...

Babies are hilarious. They suddenly stop laughing when the camera points at them. Glad to see that you got a video of him cracking up though!

Oh, and by the way, I was looking at your baby this morning in RS and he's looking like a little man too! He is cute, and I have to admit he is one of the cutest baby boys in our ward.

Megan said...

What a fun age! Courtney was trying to play with Wyatt through the computer. He is getting so big!

gelly said...

You are hilarious! Riding in the cripple-buggy for real! You should buy one and pimp it out.

Valerie said...

Baby Wyatt is getting so big!! Who told him he could grow up?!?! Obvioiusly you're enjoying him, so that makes it okay!

Tuzi Salz said...

Those are sure fun videos. I'm glad you get to live your dream of driving around in the cart. Congratulations. Also, in response to your post, IT still is an IT. And thank you for the advice on the epidural. I feel up here there is a lot of pressure to go natural for some reason. I don't quite get it. I mean, I want to know what the pain is like, but I don't see the appeal in feeling like you are on your death bed while giving birth. We need to hang out by the way. Your little fam and my little fam should be family friends. That is all.

Phyllis Bestor said...

Fun blog and buffering. Wyatt is changing by the minute and you both are enjoying every minute of it! Good for you!

Anonymous said...

So much fun! Just an fyi I sent a check for a picture. Hopefully you got my email.

JeNnA said...

Love the movies! Especially the first one. made me laugh!! Sure miss ya... your babe is getting big and is super adorable!!

Jessica said...

helllooooo! I am still sick, and got so bored I decied to try to find your blog. Well, I 've got news for you, I Found it!!!!Cute vids and pics.

A.S.K. said...

So adorable! Your baby boy, that is. You kinda remind me of my mom since you're in that shopping cart thing. My mom was kinda high on her pain medication for her wisdom teeth and she decided she wanted to go to wal-mart. She had to ride in the cart though cause she could barely walk. Anywho...she ran into A LOT of stuff. Good thing you weren't high!