Saturday, February 13, 2010

My Mother's Hand

My Mother's Hand

When I came down from heaven above,
God gave me a special command.
He told me to pass His love on to YOU,
So I touched my Mother's hand.

From the very first touch, I knew in my heart,
You'd lift me and help me to stand.
When times were rough and I needed some help,
So I grasped my Mother's hand.

I've watched you close and followed your steps,
You're the leader of my band.
You've pointed the way and kept me in line,
So I watch my Mother's hand.

Through all these years you've built me up,
With words as my number one fan.
My head is held high--I believe in myself.
All because of my Mother's hand.

And now I'm a mother and have my own child,
I know that I can withstand.
All the trials and fears that will enter his life,
I now mimic my Mother's hand.

Although I am gone and have led a new life,
There is one thing I still demand.
When I need your love--my Mother, my friend,
I can reach for my Mother's hand.

I love you


gelly said...

You are so good at writing poems! That's such a good birthday gift for your mama. She is an amazing woman.

Nathan & Marlese Seaver said...

you wrote this... didn't you? Ash your awesome. I love it! how are you kids doing? it has been SO long.

Ryan said...

Oh my heavens woman! You are so amazing! I was waiting to see who you were quoting at the end, and then realized you wrote it! That is such a good poem! I love it! And your very right, your mom is truly one of a kind!

Jill said...

What a sweetheart you are Ashley! You are very kind with your thoughts and words and I love you very much. Thank you for allowing me the pleasure of being your mother!...and Wyatt's grandma!

Breanna said...

Love this poem! I was thinking, hmm, I haven't heard this before. I wonder where she got it? And then I realized you wrote it! Nice job. What a great gift for your mom.