Thursday, February 18, 2010

"Wuv...twoooo wuv........mowage!"

There are some who completely despise Valentine's Day, and there are others who anticipate and dream about it for weeks. For some it is a difficult holiday because there is no "significant" other to celebrate it with. Some have lost a loved one recently or have just broken up from a relationship, while others are leaping with joy because they were given their first rose or perhaps received a really BIG kiss! I can understand why others also feel inadequate on this day because they cannot show enough love for their spouse, mother, father, grandmother, son, daughter, brother, sister, caregiver, friend, you name it. It can be a bitter sweet holiday for many and I can see that. HOWEVER, it is all about how you look at it.

True, it can be pretty depressing to not have a lover to share this day with, but I know for a fact that everybody loves SOMEBODY. Instead of dwelling and moping about the hatred and frustration you feel about Valentine's Day.... maybe try to think about those who are most close to you that you love. I've had to shift my way of thinking on this very subject because I used to resent this holiday a bit.....

I never had a boyfriend growing up in high school and honestly, I never really felt pretty enough for anyone to think about giving me a true Valentine or even like me. It was also hard to see my two sisters receiving Valentine treats and gifts, when I didn't get anything. (Not to mention my sister was in JR.HIGH when she got her first lovey dovey lozness). To add to my jealousy, my two brothers had their own little girlies in which they bought a rose or a card for etc... Then I would come home from school and there sat a beautiful, large bouquet of flowers from my Dad to my Mom and the two of them would kiss in the kitchen. I just wished I could be a part of it sometimes. I always secretly wished that someone would like me and send me a rose or something cute like everyone else.

I had most of these feelings while growing up, but I realized that I needed to look at it in a different way. Valentine's Day is ultimately a celebration of LOVE in general. I believe there are four kinds of love: Romantic Love (which you share with the one you're attracted to) Family Love (a very close relationship and love with those you live with throughout your life; more deep than a friendship love) Friend Love (the way you love your friends and care about their happiness and well being; not quite as strong as family love) and ultimately, Our Savior's Love. Of course, this kind of love is the only one that is perfect--the only one that lacks words to describe it. The love our Savior has for us, and the love we should give Him in return, is the most important. I feel that before we can truly learn to love others we must first come to love Him. He will teach us HOW to love those we come in contact with in our lives.

So, no matter which category you fit into--whether you love it or hate it--I think this holiday is a wonderful excuse for all of us to think about those we love; whoever it may be. These two men/males/boys are the closest people in my life right now and I hope they each know how much I really do love them!

I made the mistake of telling Ethan that I wasn't a "flower girl" while we were dating. He had given me flowers for the first time in Feb of 2007 for Valentine's Day before we were even that serious. It actually took me by surprise when he had decorated my room with a bubble machine, flowers, and a picture of him in a frame ha-ha. I realized that he must really like me :) FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER, SOMEBODY REALLY LIKED ME AND THOUGHT I WAS WORTH A DOZEN ROSES! I was truly flattered, but somehow later on in our relationship, I told him I wasn't a flower girl. Bad mistake. I didn't receive any flowers since I had said that until this year. I secretly told some of my friends that all I wanted from Ethan this year (to know that he loved me) was a simple flower. This was all I wanted. I don't know why? They just shrivel and die after a few days anyway. Despite that fact, that was all I hoped for. (Probably bad of me to expect something. Oh dear)

Anyway, on Friday when Ethan came home, he entered the same way he always does and he greeted me the same way he always does. I was on the bed with Wyatt and in the other room. Ethan mentioned nothing about a surprise on the table or anything and just acted like nothing was different, and so did I. A couple minutes later when I turned the corner to go into the kitchen . . . there sat the most beautiful arrangement of flowers on our kitchen table. I froze. All I could do was stare at them. Ethan was in the same room playing with Wyatt and acting like nothing was going on. I stared for a good minute before Ethan looked up at me with a proud smile and realized that I was crying. Happiness and love filled my entire body and the only way it could escape at the time was through my tears. I stood there and gathered myself together so I could say, "Y y you got me fff ff fflowers!"
That was pretty much all I could say at the time, but when I had settled down I made sure to plaster him with kisses galore! *wink*

Thanks Eefie

p.s. I think I am a flower girl now :)


Phyllis Bestor said...

Ashley. You ARE a flower girl at heart and always have been! Flowers are wonderful to grow, pick, smell and give to someone. Love your posts which keep us very informed and delighted to look at your darling growing little boy and big boy as well.

Kaylie said...

Darling! You are such a sweet girl. Your husband is lucky he picked up on those hints, huh ;) haha. Just kidding. You two are precious to me and I am grateful for the wonderful example of love you show to all people you know and meet. Glad you had a great Valentine's Day!

P.S. Don't be jealous that I received not only one Valentine this year, but 24 little scrawl-scratched written Valentines...Transformers, Bratz, Spiderman, Cars, Barbie, etc. :) hehe

melanee said...

I just completely loved reading that post, so well written, so much truth to it! You are a wise woman, and deserve all the love and happiness you feel :)

Megan said...

Beautiful Bouquet!

I made a similar mistake. Jaxon always gave me flowers...sometimes just because. After we were married for awhile and money was tight, I would feel guilty that he was spending the money to dote on me when it could have been spent on more practical items. So I told him that I wish he wouldn't give them to me anymore. So, I didn't get flowers for quite sometime, and it hurt his feelings that I was rejecting his gift. I had to buy him flowers last week and say I am sorry and that I LOVE to get fresh flowers. I have had to learn to let others take care of me and do nice things for me. It isn't easy.

Ashley Sullenger said...

Oh Andy, Ethan is a good guy. I'm so glad you two found each other! I ran into him on campus and when he left I couldn't help thinking you really had found your other half! That was such a sweet post. I hope you're recovering well, and yes my dear, I think deep down or on the surface we are all flower girls! (haha I've told Pat the exact same thing)

gelly said...

Loved the post darling. It's so great to read what's going on with you three!

Aubrey said...

well put mine sister. I love you and your two boys

Valerie said...

I feel chagrined. Did you read my post on Valentine's Day? Don't. It's a downer.

I'm glad you had such a wonderful V. Day! I'm extra glad that you are married to Ethan and that he treats you as the queen you are!! What a blessing.

P.S. I love the flowers too!

Jill said...

Love your thoughts. You will always be my rose bud...always have, always will! You and me...........we just scare 'em off that's all! I just always told myself it was THEIR loss!
Love you

Team Allen said...

hahaha. I LOVE this post completely. I remember the "Jr. High" Andy. On that note I also remember the "fifth grade" Andy, and the "college roomate" just met Ethan Andy. All of them were my favorite to be honest.
But Ethan is wonderful for you- and I'm so glad he finally makes you realize how big of a prize you really are..and always have been! we just didn't quite realize it back when I was wearing life jackets to school and you didn't have much hair :) Good luck with your knee I wish I could run into you and give you just the hugest hug ever. I'm sure you're an awesome mom and I can't wait to someday see little handsome Wyatt. Thanks for the post-congrats on everything!

Nathan & Marlese Seaver said...

:) this was a cute post... I can totally relate... wow sometimes it kinda scares me how much alike we are... haha with all these new-mother-hormons I have this totally gave me goosebumps when i read this :) WAY TO GO ETHAN!

JeNnA said...

Awesome post ash!!! What a sweet husband you got, and he got a darn sweet wife... i love the window!!
Hope things are going well.
So how are we going to keep in touch... send me your e-mail so I can invite you to my blog, haven't got one yet!! (

Lizzy said...

Just found your you and miss you! Little Wyatt is a cutie, and you guys seem like you're doing great!