Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Who ever said, "Sleeping like a baby?"

We have no idea why Wyatt was sleeping this way? He wasn't crying before he fell asleep or anything. I felt so bad every time it happened though because it sounded like he was in pain or sad. I couldn't do anything to comfort him--I don't even know if comfort is what he needed! Weird. Whoever said that they "sleep like a baby" must not get very good sleep ha ha.


Beth Willmore said...

I'm glad you're on the up and up with your knee - I'm sorry that you had to have surgery again though! Remember that I'm just a few minutes away and I'd love to help with little Wyatt - or do your laundry or something - (probably not give you baths though!!) :)

Rowbury Adventures said...

Ash your face is priceless in the first video.. LOVE It! and about your baby sleeping like that? he's still adorable even if he sounds like he's in pain. AND I'm sorry to hear about your knee surgery! I'll have to pop in and bring you a giant treat.

Stucki Family said...

1) Your baby is so handsome/beautiful
2) You look Great
3) Wish I was closer to help out.
4) Videos of him sleeping = priceless, his wife will one day LOVE them and hopefully by then he has out grown this phase. lol (does Ethan do that in his sleep?)
5) Way to have a positive outlook on your knee. I can only imagine how tough it is with an infant.

Bethany Sines said...

okay even though that's so sad, that is SO CUTE! i love little baby noises.

Jamie said...

Hey Andy, it's been a while! Hope you are doing alright and recovering quickly from your surgery. Wyatt is adorable. He is such a beautiful baby. (Takes after his mom of course!) Sure do love ya

Jaxon said...

Koos-Koos... Azely makes noises like that sometimes when she sleeps. I think they are dreaming. Maybe he's having nightmares about being in the NICU? Stay strong koos!!