Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Snow without FAIL

Every single year on the morning of April 29th, I slither out of bed with an anxious heart, hoping to find bright, sunshine rays shooting from the sky. . . and every year I have woken up to this:

Talk about ho-ho-ho-rrible timing. I really thought that this was the year I was going to get my good weather wish, but who am I kidding? It's Rexburg we're talking about here. Despite this minor disappointment, my day still turned out to be wonderful.

My family decided to take me out to breakfast since this was the only time we could really get together with all of our crazy schedules, so we went to the cute diner place out past Wal-mart. The food was actually really good! My mom gave me a basket of goodies and dear uncle Tanner surprised Wyatt with his own little present........
As you can see, he didn't quite know what to do with this thing haha
Ope! But he soon caught on :)
Tanner just about chucked up his lung because he was laughing so hard at Wyatt! Which in turn made all the rest of laugh our heads off. (I wish I would have got a picture of Tanner laughing) It truly was a hilarious sight, as you can see.
So thank you, Tanner, for that nutritiously healthy meal you provided for my son :)
Here is my cute basket of goodies. My family is so great and so thoughtful.

Tanner: thank you for the crystal wine glasses of which Ethan and I will gladly drink to our hearts content! Tipsy baby-- woop, woop!

Maddie & Mom: thank you so much for giving me "Disneyland Dollars". Thanks to you I was able to buy Wyatt a small Mickey Mouse at Disneyland.

Dad: thank you very much for the Birthday breakfast. It was so good!

Ethan also surprised me with a scrumptious new pulled pork sandwich recipe that night. He took the time to make me a delicious dinner and it really meant a lot to me. Thanks pimpy love.
One year older and wiser too--can't you tell?

My birthday was a different day because I actually spent half my time studying for the PRAXIS test. I have to pass these tests in order to be qualified to student teach. It's kind of a BIG deal. I've been studying long and hard so I sure hope I pass!

This year I decided to treat myself to a very fun vacation trip to.........


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Anonymous said...

Aww.. Belated Birthday Wishes dear :)

gelly said...

Hope your test went well or goes well! You'll be a great teacher (even if that means staying home with Wyatt) :o)

So fun to see you up in Rexburg, Love. You. Are. Hilarious. Mix in a little Emily and a little Kinz and it's off the hook hilarity.