Monday, June 13, 2011

Hats off to the GRADUATE!

APRIL 8th, 2011

Brigham Young University--Idaho announces that

Ethan Richard Felix

is a candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Business Management
with emphasis in Finance and Entrepreneurship.

It was a big day for Ethan and he had the most important people in his life celebrating it with him. We were surprised and truly humbled by the amount of support and the many encouraging words that accompanied this occasion. The majority of Ethan's family was able to make it to his ceremony as well as some of my family. We enjoyed a fun get together in our tiny apartment beforehand and joined in celebration after the ceremony was over. Although this is only a Bachelor's degree, it is still a very big moment for our family.
Picture: Justin, Stephanie, Hannah, Marie, Ethan, Cody, Ashley, Pappa Hyde, Mamma Jan

Another cool thing about this beautiful day was that Ethan's graduating class was the second group EVER to have their graduation in the new BYU-Idaho Center. Our mini Conference Center :) It is a truly amazing addition to the University and an incredibly impressive building. The magnificence of this building openly invites the spirit and warms the hearts of all who sit in these comfortable red seats. This dedicated building has definitely helped the University become more united in its divine purpose. I feel so blessed to have such a building so close.
Awwwwwww, Mr. Luke Owens. (Refer to older posts for more details on Luke and Ethan) This kid is Ethan's greatest friend growing up and he can never stop talking about what a great kid he is. Now that I know Luke, I second all of Ethan's remarks. Luke is a stud and I'm so glad he is Ethan's dear friend. They graduated high school together, seminary together, and now college together. What a neat thing to do with a best friend.
It was also fun having my Dad dressed in his robes as a faculty member too. They got to wear their robes together and it was cute :)

A very proud Wifey!
I love this picture of these two. These are my chums forever.
This is Wyatt reading what he wrote to Ethan on his card. HA!

Once again I was brought to tears on this day because of how proud I am of Ethan. College is a lot of hard work and it takes an extreme amount of dedication. Too see Ethan walking in his robes was a wonderful sight. This was one of the happiest and funnest days I've had in a long time. WAY TO GO EEEEFY! Posted by Picasa

What Ethan will miss about college:
1) Meeting people, making friends, and hanging out with those friends
2) Rubbing shoulders with awesome teachers
3) The food- he loves the crossroads :)
4) Networking- meeting influential people
5) Walking around campus with thousands of other students passing by
6) The "business"
7) Learning
8) Being on top of the world
9) Listening to general authorities on a general basis
10) Being a college student

1 comment:

The French Way said...

Congrats to Eth!! Again! And only a Batch degree??? Please....that's awesome!! Hope you enjoy the next step in life whatever that may be...hopefully closer to us :) Nice of you to finally catch up on the blog.