Monday, August 9, 2010


I have been puzzled many times because of this lovely position. I decided to try it myself . . . boy, what a sight. I quickly discovered that it was not as comfy and cozy as it looks. Still, Wyatt continues to cramp himself in this position when he takes his nap.

Hey, one great thing that's come of this is I can pick him up and slide him under the bed when company comes over. That way the house doesn't look so dirty :)


Brian and Kayla said...

Hahaha. That is really cute. Babies are the best. He is adorable. I love how they just do things like that on their own.

Norgerocks said...

Ha ha ha this post was so funny. He is super cute. (you probably dont remember me but i lived with Matt Blomquist one year back in high school and i came over a couple of times with him:) hope its okay that i read your blog. I love your family! )

Aubrey said...

You put him UNDER the bed?! FOR REAL!?