Monday, August 9, 2010

Elder Bednar . . . 20 feet away

I don't really know if camera's were allowed, but I made sure to turn off the flash and cover the little red light that comes on before I took the picture. Don't worry, he had no idea.

Anyway, I had the wonderful opportunity of attending the BYU-Idaho devotional for Education week and the greatest part about it was hearing Elder Bednar speak; he is one of my favorites. The second greatest thing is that I got to SING in a combined choir for the musical number at the meeting! We sang, "I Need Thee Every Hour," which happened to be one of his favorite songs. Aaahhh, even better. I was told that Elder Bednar loves things to be plain and simple, (good thing because the choir I sang with was pretty anorexic if you know what I mean? Not many people participated and some of us barely knew how to sing).

Perhaps that is why it was so special. Perhaps that is why Elder Bednar wiped a few tears from his eyes after we sang. Maybe this experience was to be a lesson to all who participated in the music and more . . . To sing hymns to the Lord, you do not have to be professional and knowledgeable in every aspect of music. You do not have to be uniformly dressed and part of a specific group. You do not have to have a name. You do not have to have years under your belt. The Lord loves all and any who are willing to sing praises unto Him. Singing is a special way of saying a prayer to God and sometimes a more beautiful way. I love to sing and make music.

D&C 136:28

"If thou art merry, praise the Lord with singing, with music, with dancing,
and with a prayer of praise and Thanksgiving."

The spirit surrounded me as we sang and I felt so happy. I am so glad that I CHOSE to be part of that little choir. I didn't have to, but the opportunity was given to those in my stake and I jumped on it! These kind if opportunities aren't always so easily acceptable and available.

Last but not least, I waited in the forever long line, waiting and anticipating when it was my turn to shake his hand. All of these comments and thoughts were running through my head and I naturally just wanted to give him a hug (the guards made sure to keep saying, " No hugs. Only hand shakes, and NO questions." haha I guess it was for a good reason.) as I inched my way closer and closer, a strange feeling came over me. I can't explain it. Along with a forceful gust of the spirit came a calming and plain feeling inside me that made me realize that yes, he indeed is a man of God, but he is also a normal human being like you and me.

We all have the potential to be something or someone great in this life.


gelly said...

Very cool! Glad you were able to do that--you have a beautiful voice!

Brian and Kayla said...

Great post! I love what you said about singing.

The French Way said...

Oh my gosh how stinkin amazing! Everytime I'm in the presence of an apostle I just instantly start tearing up. What a great experience! Thanks for sharing sis!
