Friday, August 27, 2010

Family, isn't it about TIME?

Together In Making Eternity

This is our family motto and it was that TIME of year again to gather together for our second family reunion. This year our activities didn't always go as planned and at the right time, but together we got through it all with a lot of laughs and fun memories. That's what it's all about.

We began our reunion with a celebration Choo-choo train to help get us in the mood. Each of us were given a tile with our family motto written on it and then the party began!

We enjoyed our first night at the Playmill theater where we watched, "The Foreigner" starring the short, overweight, hilarious actor, Christian. He had us all rolling in our seats with laughter! Then our first spin of the night hit us..... our dear van broke down. Yes, it broke down and there were 10 adults that needed to get back home to our children with only one working car that seats 5 people. Hmmmmm? What to do?

With our little darlings at the mercy of the babysitters we decided we had to do what we had to do. Five of us sat in the regular seats with seat belts, while the other five of us crammed in the back trunk together and traveled the hour and a half ride home with low oxygen levels and sleepy eyes.

Ok, that's not all entirely true. OF COURSE we didn't all cram into the back of the trunk. That would be pure stupidity, although it was tempting. So yes, the car did break down, and yes, we were 1 1/2 hours away from our children, and yes, it was 10:30 p.m. and yes, we made the smart decision to have the mothers and such ride home. Yanno how you have to widdle away those who are least important or valuable (hahahaha like if you were on an island and you had to decide who was most important to keep alive or who would be ok to let go... ya, that's kind of what we did.) So naturally, the mothers and fathers were first to board, then grandma, then the youngest. Tanner and Dad stayed overnight in a hotel there and came back the next day. Not really because they were the least important--heavens no-- just because they were willing to stay back and let the rest of us go. All made it home safe and sound.

Grandma & Grandpa, Jaxon & Megan were all sung to since it was their anniversary, but Megan was the lucky one to get called up to the stage with the energetic men who sang to her.

A lot of bonding time took place in many different shapes and forms.... even big and small :-)


Family Dance Off!
-with glow sticks-

Meat Cook-off with the men

Headfirst into the water................ Rigby Lake

Nature Park anyone?

There were many more amazing pictures that I wanted to post about, but it was too hard for me to decide. Grandma and Grandpa put a lot of planning, effort, money, and TIME into our reunion and it all payed off. These few days that all of us spent together flew by way too fast, but every moment spent was worth the TIME. What another great, successful family reunion.
A big thanks to you Mom and Dad.
Until next TIME....


Rowbury Adventures said...

what a good lookin bunch... Ash you look so tough with that football!

gelly said...

Super Fun! You have a great family.
1) Aubrey looks so cute prego
2) Christian is HILARIOUS! I've seen him in a lot of plays, and he is always a riot.
3) It was so good to see you and your family at the shower!

melanee said...

SO so cute. I love your family. This looks like so much fun!

Aubrey said...

love it! What a great post! Miss you guys laready

Jill said...

Thanks for reminding me of all the memories and also that I need to post on my own blog. I htink we need to spend more T.I.M.E. about fam!?!?!

Lizzy said...

Looks like it was a lot of fun! Thanks for posting so we can see the pictures!

JeNnA said...

Flip girl, that looked like a flipping blast! Sorry about that car breaking down. But gosh it sure didn't do any damage to the reunion. Glad you could all be togther. I loved the pictures and you are hott as ever!

Nathan & Marlese Seaver said...

FUN! i love family TIME :) that is an awesome theme! man we miss you guys! ps where was your family photo?

Nathan & Marlese Seaver said...

oh... haha it is at the top of your blog as your title :) haha my bad

Kip & Melissa said...

So I love reading about all of your posts and realized my blog is private so you can't ever come see it! So.. send me an email at so i can send you an invite! Your little guy is so cute!

Unknown said...

Since I never see you or your husband anymore on campus I'm glad I ran into your blog!! yeah I admit I was blog stocking a little-your little guy is so freaking cute!

Jesika Harmon said...


Morgan said...

AND...I remmber Christian from when I WAS GOING TO byui- HE WAS SOOOOOOOOOO DANG FUN!