Thursday, August 12, 2010

HS Softball Reunion- STATE CHAMPS

Although your teammates, friends, and classmates move on and start new lives, somehow the friendships still remain. The memories you have with each other, all the laughs, jokes, pranks, tears, and triumphs are forever stored in a little box inside your brain. The times that friends stand up for each other, the times they show their love and concern for your well being are the things one always remembers. At least, that's what I always remember about my friends.

These 5 gals below are some of my dearest friends from high school. Together all of us won the first State Softball Championship for our school in 2004. We each got the huge rings, television coverage, and bragging rights :) That was a memorable time for all of us. Now that all that is in the past, we decided to get together to catch up with one another and see what we're all up to. I was amazed at how quickly we started to reminisce and laugh about past times. Although not all of our team members were able to make it, the 5 of us still had a great time and missed the rest! Hayley Smith, Whitney Howard, Me, Taunja (Hill) Poulson, Kassie (Benson) Crapo

We all tried to look bad and sporty like the good old days in this pic. We are showing off our jersey numbers.
(ME- short stop, KASSIE- 3rd base, TAUNJA- catcher, HAYLEY- 1st base, WHIT- 2nd base.)

I had such a great time with these gals and I still love them all no matter where we all go. I'm grateful for their friendships and I had a blast talking about the past. (It's sad once years go by because we all get more flabby, out of shape, and slower with our age. That's why it's so fun to talk about the days we were buff, strong, fit, and young(er). It's always fun to remember the All-star years.) I had a blast!


Rowbury Adventures said...

awww man I wish I could have been as cool as you guys were in highschool.. and everyone of you guys still look BUFF and toned to me! looks like so much fun. (ash I'm pretty sure you could NEVER be flabby)

Nathan & Marlese Seaver said...

that is SO fun! i love it... and i love softball! :)

Kassie Crapo said...

Haha Andy how funny! I love our team! We are the best! We need to make more time to get together..I had so muc fun :)

JeNnA said...

What a blast to do that! Sure miss the crap outta you!