Monday, August 9, 2010

Mahogany Mohawk

Ethan went almost two months without a haircut and pretty soon his dark black locks started appearing in the shower...... time to snip, snip, snip! Sooooooooooooo we decided to have a lil fun while we were at it.

Check out this first hairdo: Hello Ace Ventura!

Look at the reactions we got from family when we showed them the MOHAWK!



The French Way said...

OH MY GOSH!!! SICK!!! funny tho. how long did he keep it for?

Rowbury Adventures said...

HAHAH oh my gosh, your families reactions are the best haha

Bethany Sines said...

he looks disgusting. ; )

Lizzy said...

Ha ha I love the pictures of your family seeing it. Awesome Eth :)

Aubrey said...


Nicky said...

lol! i love it! how long did he keep it? what did your mom say?

love ya Weeza!