Sunday, August 1, 2010

Fun at the Hydeaway Ranch!

This last week we finally took the time to travel to Star Valley to be with Ethan's family. This trip was very much needed and was way past due. The following pictures are just a glimpse of all the fun we had with family and grand kids! It's always a good time at Ma and Pa's house . . .

Ethan was preparing Wyatt for his real horse ride later that day.
(I have a feeling that Wyatt is going to be a lil' cowboy)

This is Sterling. He had a make-out session with his Popsicle, HA!

For Grandma's . . . this is what's called "Heaven"
Wyatt and Hudson enjoyed the swing together. Unfortunately, this moment didn't last very long.

Isn't this the cutest little button in the world!
(Marie's daughter, Macey)

"Is this turtley enough for the turrrrtle club?"

The mother's of the group took all the kids to a fairy tale exhibit that was set up in town. They had all sorts of story books, games, costumes, and activities for all the kids to enjoy. It was so fun to watch the kids eyes light up!

Dayton, Prescott, and Camden were pretending to eat at the King's table together while Michelle domestically served these little Prince's.

I tell ya, it doesn't matter where we go, Wyatt will always get his practicing done.

Mamma Jan and Steph enjoyed making shoes together and were so cute. They really got into it whether they meant to or not ha-ha. I had to giggle.

When we had a bit of down time, Ethan took our family through the hills and trees of his humongous backyard on the Razor. I always love riding on these machines, but the Razor was especially nice because we could take Wyatt with us. He loved it!
(Despite his facial expression here.)

And so did Daddy.
We laughed our heads off on the way down the mountain when we discovered that Wyatt had fallen asleep. I think it was a combination of getting beat up all day from his cousins along with the continuous, bumpy ride of the Razor. Isn't that cute?

These three get along really well. Wyatt loves laughing and smiling at his Papa. I think it's because of all the happy wrinkles on his face :)

I love animals. They are incredible creatures and I can't wait til I can talk to them in the next life.
(Hey Daddy, remember what I asked you for on my Birthday when I was little?)

All the little guys look up to their Uncle's and Papa. You can tell by the boots on Camden's feet and his cowboy hat on the ground. Here, you can see how intently they were all watching Ethan while he smashed a hornet to bits. The boys were so excited and followed him around the whole time with amazement. So cute.

Floor Bonding--A new kind of bonding.

This is my favorite, most beautiful little niece Ashlynn. I claim her as my own.
Why? You may ask....

Well, here's one answer.

Wyatt's first real horse ride. Yeeeeehaw!
(He actually had no clue what was going on.)


We let Wyatt experience the warm, fresh air of summer one night while he was naked. He's never felt more free in his life :) BTW this picture was taken the night of the brush fire and this is what it looked like outside. Very dark and gloomy, yet colorful and pretty all at the same time.

Let me just say that I am SO RELIEVED that I have a 7 week break from school! My brain has been able to relax and the stress level has gone WAYYYYYY down. As a result, I am a happier person and I have been able to do some really fun, outdoor activities. I love summer!


Valerie said...

Love how Wyatt fell asleep on the Razor yet kept his razor grip on the handle!! Hilarious!

The French Way said...

Looks like you guys had fun! It's always a blast at home!

Jill said...

Keep the posts coming. Looks like you had a blast at the Hideaway Ranch...hopefully we will provide the same at Jill's Jolly Jungle Gym!!!

gelly said...

He is so sweet! His cheeks beckon me to smooch them! Looks like you all had a fun time.

Nathan & Marlese Seaver said...

looks like way toooooo much fun! but it also sounds way needed :) we miss you guys!

JeNnA said...

Dearest Ashley.... I miss you!!! I loved your update. Seems like things are going real well! I am glad that your enjoying the 7 week break... but hey, at least you have the oppurtunity of going!
(I saw you at the funeral... I couldn't catch you fast enough)

Rowbury Adventures said...

ash that looks like so much fun! I wanna hold that adorable little kid of yours, and I still can't believe he fell asleep on the razor haha that's the best..