Monday, May 31, 2010

8 Months in counting...

What's new with you...
  • You finally learned how to roll over both directions! You've always hated "tummy time" but now that you've learned how to get off your tummy you are much happier; therefore, mommy is happier. Sadly though, you won't get to hear me sing your song, "Tummy time! Tummy time! Every little baby loves tummy time" very much anymore. I know you're going to miss that.
  • You love playing PICKABOO with us. I sneak under your hair chair so you can't see me and wait until I can see your little body leaning forward in your chair . . . then I know you're trying to peak and find where I am. Then I POP up and scare you back into your seat. HA- you giggle your little heart out. Daddy does it too but he usually does it behind the couch. With the couch you try and climb up it to see where he went; so cute.
  • You have learned a new word my son, and it makes Mommy so happy. This is what you blabber all the time, repeatedly, "Ma, ma, ma, ma, ma, mama!" Oh ya baby! I knew you were a momma's boy! Sorry Daddy. Hee, hee, hee.
  • I have to tell you Wyatt, I love looking at your backside--it's true. Not only do I love your tiny bum, but I love looking at the back of your head for some reason. It's so cute! Your head is so perfectly shaped, your cowlick (sp?) is a piece of artwork, and you just look like the cutest little man.
  • Your newest trick! You can finally sit up all by yourself on the floor! You've been working at this for the past month but now, by George, I think you've got it! It's quite convenient for me actually because I can set you down to play with yourself. Ahhhhhhh.
  • One thing that keeps you occupied throughout the day is watching, "Baby Signing Time". It's so hilarious what I do to you haha. Let me tell you... so I sit you down on your bum and I build a barricade around you made up of couch pillows. This way, if you do happen to fall, you have some nice cushions to break your fall and protect your big head. Then I place toys all around you and in front of you so you have lots to choose from. Then I just let you play :). This usually entertains you for a good 30 min or so. You love it and it's so fun to just stare at you.
  • For bath time you like to stare intently at the drain. You like the sound it makes when I pull the plug and you think it's fascinating. Sometimes you even try to stick your little fingers clear down it--which I think is disgusting considering the moldy things that grow down there--but luckily you are too small to reach far down.
  • Wyatt, you must know that you are a smart little boy. You are learning when you are "all done" with eating and are ready to get out of your high chair. Mommy is teaching you sign language and this is the first sign you understand. Cool, cool!
  • You give me the biggest and most excited smile when we look in the mirror together. I'm not quite sure if you understand that you're looking at yourself yet but you like it just the same.
  • Lastly, you know that Daddy and I are cooky and silly. We dance in front of you often when you're hanging out in your high chair and you make us feel like a million bucks. You are the best audience to dance for and you think all of our moves are way good. You just sit their and watch us with a BIG smile. We love to entertain you :)
You are growing so fast and I can't believe how interactive you are these days. I try to stimulate your brain every day, I try to take you outside and enjoy the outdoors every day, and I try to sing and read to you every day. We spend a lot of one on one time throughout our long days together and although YOU won't remember these precious times, they will be fond memories tucked away in MY brain forever. I enjoy every moment I have with you and I thank God for you every day. You make me happy and you make life enjoyable. I'm so grateful that you are healthy and strong and are developing as you should. You have a wonderful character about you and I can't wait for your next stage and development. Each one brings new experiences and more laughter. Love you Wyatt!
Someday you will read this excerpt, or else I will read it to you.


Valerie said...

Ahhhh.... sweet baby Wyatt. Each day he changes and just when you think your heart is going to burst, it grows and you fill it with more love!!

We taught Inigo sign language too and it was THE BEST THING!! He rarely cried because he could always tell us what he wanted! You're such a good mommy!

Also, we were cleaning out the storage shed and I found a bunch of stuff that we obviously don't need anymore... I'll get it cleaned up and brought over and you can decide if you want it.

gelly said...

I bet you love kissing those fluffy cheeks! Mwah!

You ARE a good mommy! Motherhood as you describe it sounds so fun! Wyatt is a lucky little boy.

Nathan & Marlese Seaver said...

haha that is great! way to go lil man! Ash thanks for writing this out! it is priceless.. or should i say Pricelist hahaha


Pierce said...

Oh my goodness I still cant believe how much he has grown since i've last seen him!! He is so stinkin cute and i cant wait to kiss those cheeks of his. Tell him his godmother misses him so.....

phyllis bestor said...

Wonderful baby journal memories. Good for you both for taking the time to document those important moments and observations. He will love reading it someday also.