Tuesday, February 9, 2010

All laid up my friends... COME VISIT!

I apologize for the lack of info on my family's life right now. I have a good reason though. About a month ago I experienced my second knee surgery and have been laid up for quite some time. Yes, surgery number two.
Why, you may ask? Well...I don't know. All I know is that the first surgery failed and I'm re-living the nightmare of last year all over again. I thought I was through with crutches, pain pills, elevating my leg all day long, lack of sleep, armpit rashes, greasy and unwashed hair, baths instead of showers (with my leg hanging out of the tub), soreness and whatever! The hardest part is reliving it again.

All the many hours spent at physical therapy with the old people... this is the hardest part. Not only is my competition full of wrinkles, broken limbs, missing teeth, lack of hair, and stinky perfume, but they are all at least 30+ years older than me! I sit down on my bicycle next to my 65 year old competitor and put on my game face--who is going to win the race? Which one of us will be able to make our legs move one complete cycle on the bike without crying? The race begins and sadly, the old geezer to my right usually wins. This is what it's come to for me.

I spend my days and nights on my king sized bed with my son right next to me. We get to bond 24.7 and I love it! Wyatt is probably getting way more stimulation then he should be, but boy he seems to like it. Many of you have asked, "How do you take care of him by yourself?" It's simple really. As long as he's on my bed, everything is under control. I change his diapers, feed him, play with him, dress him, and take care of everything on my bed. Once he falls asleep I get up on my crutches and do things myself like: making myself some lunch, doing the dishes, checking e-mails, writing letters and thank you cards, watching movies, picking up odds and ends and whatever else I can manage. How wonderful is that? I get to spend all day with my little boy with hardly any interruptions.

It has been so wonderful watching my son grow and r
each his milestones. His newest accomplishment is using his hands to grab things, and occasionally he'll even draw it to his mouth. Wyatt is in the beginning stages of all this, but I it is so fun to watch him discover what his hands can do. Something else, Wyatt has started to LAUGH and it is so cute. Of course, Grandma Anderson can make him laugh the hardest, but I'm starting to catch up. He's a growing boy with chipmunk cheeks.

Thankfully, I have some really great neighbors and a wonderful family nearby to help me with everything. Many of my ward members have so willingly brought us dinner, volunteered to watch Wyatt, and they come pay me visits all the time. My mother especially has been a great help during the daytime with all my errands and physical therapy trips. Then, my dear husband, who helps me at night even though he is dead tired from school and work. Not once has Ethan complained about having to wake up and get Wyatt in the night if he needs to feed. Every time Ethan goes in to see Wyatt I hear, "Heeeeeyyyy buddy! Good morning..." and it just warms my heart. I want to thank everyone who has helped me with this surgery; it really means a lot to have people who care about me and want to help.

Grandma has been such a great help to me and Wyatt this past month. Wyatt loves his Gramma!


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! I cant believe you have to go through that again! At least you do have the cutest company 24/7. If I was your neighbor still I would definitely come visit! Good luck in P.T.

gelly said...

He's getting so big! Even just since I saw him at Christmas! Sorry about your knee Andy. You are one tough girl; if anyone can do it, you can.

Ashley Sullenger said...

Ash he's cute!!! So cute!!! Good luck with the recovery, Your description of therapy made me laugh, I've been there before! haha oh you explained it perfectly! Good luck, enjoy sitting on the bed, I'd do anything to stay home with mine.

The French Way said...

OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!! ash he's getting so so big i love him! he's so stinkin adorable. i'm glad everythings going good. he's such a chunk! so is he rollin over too? ah i miss you guys!

Bill, Kristin, Will and Kayla said...

I forgot you were having surgery again! I'm impressed that you can still do so much for yourself. And I love the imagery of you in competition with all the old people at physical therapy.

Jill said...

You are tough and I love that about you. Never a down moment during this whole ordeal...btw...while you were at Physical therapy this morning, pretty sure Wyatt said,"I love it when you come over Grandma!"

A.S.K. said...

AW! Girl, I am so sorry about your knee. Hopefully it gets to feeling better soon and that you won't have to go through another knee surgery. On the plus side, your son is super cute! I love reading your blogs and keeping up with what's going on in your life!