Monday, January 11, 2010

HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2010 here we come...


Party Hardy! Wow, it's a new year already; I can't believe it. What have I done in one year's time? Hmmm, I finished two semesters in college, I recovered from surgery, I got pregnant, I turned the wonderful age of 21, I got my first body piercing (haha jk), I was called as the 2nd counselor in my ward Relief Society, I made it through another year of window washing, I watched the last of the Anderson sisters participate in Jr.Miss, I watched two more sessions of Conference, I wished my brother off on a mission, I attended many of my friends weddings and showers, I went camping for the first time in our marriage, I attended my family's very first family reunion, I got certified in Wilderness first aide and CPR, I experienced our first Father's Day for Ethan, I made a float and entered in to be part of the Rexburg parade, I played in a softball league with Ethan during the summer, I had a girls party with the Hyde family, I went to Lagoon, I went grouse hunting for the first time in my life, I had my first baby shower, I was introduced to Braxton hicks, I bought my first crib, baby clothes, Binky, diapers, wipes, car seat, rattle and more! This year I had my first child. And this year has been one of the happiest years of my life :) I can't wait to see what the year 2010 will bring my way......

Ethan and I were fortunate enough to travel to Arizona and back in one piece. Wyatt was amazing and slept pretty much the entire way and hardly gave a fuss. ( I think something is wrong with him? j/k, but he is a very good baby so far.) We got to spend the New Year with Grandma "Nana" or Mary Lou, and our Aunt Melissa. They were ready for us when we pulled up and spoiled us rotten from the moment we walked into the house. You notty little ladies :)
The other fun part about the trip is that Ethan's sister Hannah and her family got to come up too! This made things even more fun. The entire living Felix family was together this trip and it turned out to be a treat. (Logan, Hannah, Chase) We're so glad we could coordinate the trip with them.
In the backyard of their darling home, two huge trees full of Grapefruit and Oranges are rooted in the ground. They produce so much citrus delight that we ate oranges almost every morning. I cannot tell you how great it was to walk outside, whenever we wanted, and pluck a fruit off the tree at free will. They were so delicious too! No sugar needed to be added at all. Wow. We took home an entire duffel bag + some home with us. So here we are underneath one of the scrumptious trees. Aahh, what a cute picture.
COUSINS!!! These two little guys aren't aware yet, but they are going to be best buds when their brains start to realize who the other one is. Wyatt and Chase are only 6 days apart from each other and they are going to reek havoc when they get older. Look at em' just chillin' there.
On our way to Grandmama's house we passed over the Hoover Dam. We could have stopped and parked the car to see the entire drop and stuff, but after waiting an hour through traffic, I didn't want to. Instead, I got a great picture of the enormous bridge they're building across the canyon. To be honest, I don't think I would drive over that bridge...that would be for stupid people who like to come as close to death as they can. That is not for me. I know that pictures sometimes don't do justice to what the thing actually looks like, but believe me, this thing is huge!
Another new face for Wyatt: this is Uncle Levi (Ethan's older brother). Levi spent a lot of time with all of us at the house and we all had a good time talking to each other. He even treated us all to dinner at McGrath's restaurant where he works. Oooo the coconut shrimp and Cajun chicken I ate was to die for. Thanks Levi.
This is Ethan's half sister, Mary. We had the privilege of visiting her home where she taught me how to make a wicked Steak Salsa, Guac, and Green Chile. We worked together and things went pretty fast, but the reward in the end was well worth the time and work by golly. That was the best stuff I'd ever eaten! She even let us take some home with us. Yummm.

You gotta love these kind of pictures. Baby boy smiling up at his great Grandma Nana. Wyatt loves Nana so much and was a good little boy every time she held him.
Here's the whole Felix/Davis clan: Front- Melissa, Wyatt, Nana, Chase, Hanna Back- Ethan, Levi
Grandma and her two little ones :)
Okay, this picture was just funny because this grapefruit was bigger than Wyatt's head! haha I laughed so hard and had to take a picture of it. I think Wyatt was a little offended by it or something hee hee.

Altogether we had a wonderful time! On Christmas Eve night, everyone was wanting to just go to bed. Are you kidding me? I was not going to stand for that kind of attitude, so I made everyone stay up and watch the ball drop with me. We played some cards, talked, and had a much funner time staying awake together. (The funny thing was, as soon as the ball dropped, everyone else stood up and said, "Well, good night." and slid off to bed.) We also celebrated Christmas with Nana too and boy were we spoiled. Wyatt got some neat blocks that I'm excited for, I was given a blender of which I absolutely LOVE and have made a smoothie almost every night since, and Ethan got a lot of good lookin' work clothes ( suit and tie stuff) shoes, a telephone and much more. We are so grateful to Nana for everything she did to make this trip possible. We couldn't have done it without her. WHAT A WONDERFUL VACATION!


Kaylie said...

How fun to see your Arizona pictures! I am still sorry that we could not get coordinated while you were here, but I am glad that you got to see so much family and squeeze in so many fun activities while you were down here. I swear, your little boy gets cuter and cuter every time I see him!

I was also very impressed and exhausted by the list of things you accommplished in the year 2009. Holy smokes! You are quite the woman. I sure love you all. Take care and don't let Wyatt grow too much before I get home! :)

Team Allen said...

ahhh I love this post! I know that hoover dam and drive to AZ quite well. And I especially know that citrus delight and am obsessed with it. you have had such a great year i'm pretty impressed!! Glad things are going so good with your adorable fam :) Good luck always!

Team Allen said...

ps wyatts facial expressions are completely hilarious. he takes after someone i know.

Bethany Sines said...

ash i LOVE your blog! and i love your baby even more!!!! we miss you guys but it's so fun to see you so happy!