Friday, November 13, 2009

Hap, hap, hap, Happy Birfday! (NOV 8)

Ethan's birthday landed on a Sunday this year, so I decided to plan a couple of activities for him that weekend. On Friday the 6th, we had a huge BUNKO party with eight other couple friends from our ward. We had pizza, fruit salad, drinks, cake, and prizes! We all had a really good time and this was Ethan's first time playing the game. (We only got to be partners once though)
On Saturday night I arranged and called 6 of Ethan's guy friends to meet up at Applebees to enjoy "HAPPY HOUR" and half off appetizers together. You know, "Girl Time" but with guys. (They just don't like to admit that they like to have that time together too ha-ha) When Eth walked in the door after his two hour "guys session" he was grinning from ear to ear. He loved it.
On Sunday we enjoyed sleeping in together, but the rest of the day was just like any other Sunday. I let Ethan open his two little presents that I could afford to get him: an 8-pack of red gatorade and a package of socks. Not much of a gift, but that's why I tried real hard on planning his other two activities and surprises for him--those were also my presents to him. That night we went over to my parents house briefly where we read Birthday Cards and ejoyed dinner and cake at the end. Even when there's only a few Anderson's at home, we still go through our famous Happy Birthday Randition for the birthday victim. That night we just relaxed together.
Hope you had a wonderful birthday Eth,
24 reasons why I love Ethan:
1. He is crazy and weird like me; we do whatever comes to our mind no matter how ridiculous and embarassing it is.
2. He makes me laugh EVERY SINGLE DAY, without fail.
3. He looks handsome in any color. Even pink.
4. He knows exactly how to calm me down when I get frustrated or over-excited.
5. I feel safe when he's around.
6. He knows how to work hard.
7. His imagination and ideas are fascinating and impressive.
8. He serves people all the time and he loves it.
9. He has introduced me to Mexican Food which has become my new edible love.
10. He's the most amazing grocerie organizer! Every time we go to the store, my job is to unpackage the goods and Ethan will then grab a chair, sit down infront of the fridge, and proceed to place all the food exaxtly where he wants it. He actually does a really good job too.
11. He explains things too me that I don't understand in a nice, loving, and helpful way, without making fun of me.
12. He loves to go out to eat as much as I do.
13. He takes care of Wyatt for me when I'm at school. He is a great father already and offers to take shifts late at night when I need to go to bed.
14. He knows how to laugh at himself, like when he impersonates the chunky kid off of the goonies ha-ha. Makes me laugh every time.
15. He takes constructive criticism very well.
16. He constantly thinks about what he can do for other people and how he can help them.
17. I love it when Ethan randomly says to me, "Ashley, I want you to take this money ($2.00) and go buy yourself a shake. Can you do that for me?" He knows I love shakes and he says this when he wants to do something for me, but just doesn't know what to do.
18. He listens to me when I have my emotional breakdowns and constipations.
19. I can ask him for a blessing any time.
20. He laughs really hard when I "pooter" or "poof". That makes things fun :)
21. He is an amazing speaker! When he gives a talk or a lesson it just blows me away.
22. I love it when he will actually let out his emotion. Like when we watch touching movies together and he'll look over at me to see if I'm crying. (Which I almost always am) Then he laughs at me and says, "I almost cried." That's good for Ethan ha.
23. He thinks my ideas are good ones and he handles my bossyiness very well.
24. Most of all, I love him because he loves me. It feels so good to be loved. He was the only person that ever made me feel pretty. He was the first person to look past my strong body and personality and recognized the person I was on the inside. Thanks Eth.
I love you more than Wyatt loves milk... and that's a lot.


Watt Family said...

OH MAN! I miss you guys!!! That was a great post and I think the last line was my favorite! You two are a hoot and we can't wait to see you guys!

gelly said...

That is the sweetest post eva! You two are so perfect for each other, and Ethan is a lucky lucky man! Love you girl--see you at Christmas!!

Jill said...
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Jill said...

Ash you have a way of words. You deserve each other!!!

Ryan said...

Andy! That was such a cute post! :) I'm glad he had a good birfday! haha. I sure miss you guys! And I can't wait to play bball with here very soon :) love you!

Rowbury Adventures said...

OH what a cute post.. I have yet to come show up to your house and say hi to you and your handsome little man, but you just wait I'll be poppin in one day!

Valerie said...

You make me laugh!

JeNnA said...

love ya ash. yer the best wife to your hubby!!!

Kaylie said...

Shuckina-Buckina-Poo-La-La-Ti-Ti? Hahaha oh man! I have missed that. Thanks for the cute comment on my Chief post. And your tribute to Ethan was very sweet. He is a wonderful guy! Love you both!
