Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween Fun!

We started our Halloween fun on Monday night with my parents for FHE. We had a great time carving pumpkins and taking pictures of Wyatt in his dinosaur costume. On Halloween day Ethan and I dressed up again for our ward party, but this year I had to come up with something fast... I didn't have as much time as last year to come up with something, so I just found some odds and ends in my closet. I came up being a mime. The only problem was: I couldn't keep my mouth shut! So I didn't play the part very well, but still enjoyed myself and all the weird looks :)

We were also invited to a mystery dinner party at a friends house and got to dress up in completely different outfits. The dinner was amazing, the game was a blast, and we really enjoyed ourselves. I discovered that 5-6 hours away from Wyatt was much too long!


These are two of our very good friends: Garrett & Jessica Pace. They actually won a prize for their costumes.
This is Darla. She has some issues. Jeff and Darla decided to finally come and meet Ronald. He's been wanting them to show up for a long time. They came to wish Dad a Happy Birthday in their own special way haha
Mom carved a pretty sweet "Trick or Treat" pumpkin.
I outlined the pumpkin character and Eth did the wonderful carving job.
Look at my Dad's pumpkin. If you aren't laughing yet, you should be. This is a total reflection of my Dad's drawing and pictionary skills. Sadly, nobody really wants to be on his team because we all have such a hard time figuring out what he drew. No offense Dad, but you know its true. Thanks for the laughs though!
Awww, the whole family together for Wyatt's first Halloween experience.
Mom and I tried really hard to create our own background for a cute picture. Wyatt did pretty well through the whole shoot, but this is about as good as it gets. Babies don't understand the smiling and holding still concept yet.
(Look at his huge hands! They are always spread out)
What a cute little Dinosaur :)


gelly said...

Aww...he's so cute! And so are you, Darla!!! hahaha, loved that. I love your posts girl. Keep it comin.

Megan said...

Great pics! We love that little guy. Sorry we couldn't make it to QS&C. By the time you were done with windows I was already out shopping and when I got back the Halloween festivities had begun. :( Looks like you and Jill did great on your own.

Jill said...

Love your posts and pics and especially your verbiage. Cutest "BARNEY" I've ever seen!!!

Rowbury Adventures said...

HAHA I love you, especially DARLA she's a real beauty.. I saw your husband yesterday and I told him I want to come see you! SOO If I just randomly show up at your place hope you don't mind! ha I actually am not sure what number you live in and stuff but I really do want to stop by sometime and see you and your handsome little guy!

A.S.K. said...

It looks like y'all had a great time! When can I come see baby boy? :) He is so adorable!

JeNnA said...

aww ashley I love you!! What a cute dinosour! Thanks for always making me laugh!Love the update!

Sadie Lynn said...

OH he is adorable Ashley. You are going to be a fun and fantastic mother I just know it.

gelly said...

Yes ma'am! We are coming home for Christmas. Probably be there around the 23-26th ish?? Give or take a day or two. We should get our peeps together, and I GOTTA see your beautiful boy!! (meaning Wyatt. Ethan is beautiful too, but I've already seen him :) )