Friday, November 13, 2009

Baby Wyatt 7-11 weeks old

An update on Wyatt:
  • Wyatt is starting to "track" things; however, he constantly looks up to the sky, clear off to the right and left side, and off into the distance for some reason. It's kind of funny, but we're wondering why?
  • Wyatt has grown out of his NEWBORN clothes and diapers!
  • He weighs 10 pounds and is super L-O-N-G.... 22 inches already.
  • He snorts like a little piglet. When he gets crying (which doesn't happen very often) he snorts multiple times- so funny :)
  • Wyatt hasn't peed on his face for over a month.
  • Wyatt has begun to blow out of his pants. He is getting oh so powerful with his S-bomb explosions. (You can guess what the "s" stands for hee hee)
  • He is experiencing his first cold. Mommy has to use the booger sucker all the time now.
  • Wyatt is completely, 100% off "the shield" now and eats directly from Mom.
  • Wyatt is learning Shakespeare--thanks to Mommy always reading it to him for her class.
Below are some pictures from when he was 7 weeks up till the present:

He's already practicing his basketball skills.
"I'm a baller. Check out my Jordan's."

2 Month old picture with teddy

Wyatt's first smile(s). This was not on purpose though. Probably just having a dream of a chocolate milk factory or something.

One of my favorites: As you can see here, his wrinkles are starting to fill out and he doesn't look so much like an old man. Plus, he loves to be naked, and I love to play with him naked ha-ha

He looks so grown up here

These are Wyatt's humongous hands. I'm definitely going to teach him how to play piano & basketball. Can't wait.

Wyatt has started to open his eyes really, really wide. I think he was watching a scary movie with Dad at the time.

We are having so much fun with him and are learning a lot! He is starting to stay awake a lot more during the day and it's so much fun. Anyone is welcome to come visit; he loves visitors.


gelly said...

D-A-N-G cute! I'm down for your appointment. We will be home around the 23-27th, so I dunno what your plans are but...we should do it. Um...are we playing basketball??? Cause that's fun.

Team Allen said...

haha oh my gosh ASH! Are you serious?? THese pictures are so funny. He totally has personality already that is hilarious. I love his big hands..and his jordans. He is a junior Ashley with a hint of Ethan. Couldn't be better then that.. so adorable. Hope to run into you someday in the next year and meet him :)

Kaylie said...

I love this kid! Thanks again for going away so that I could watch him :) I have to say, the s-bomb we had tonight was quite an adventure! haha.

Nathan & Marlese Seaver said...

he is so cute... haha ash i have a special holiday present for you but there is a catch... you have to find it all by your self... haha. the first clue i will give you is it has to do with our camping trip...if after a week you haven't found it call me for another clue. love you guys!