Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The past ump-teen months...

I have been horrible at keeping up on my blog due to intense intellectual stimulation at BYU-Idaho and I feel like this is a very good excuse. I decided to just put a few pictures on here from the past couple of months before I get to the more recent items. A lot has been going on in our family and we have enjoyed every minute of it! Eth and I both had a great winter semester. HERE ARE SOME OF THE THINGS THAT WENT ON:
Ethan woke up one morning to find some beautiful yellow colored water on our counter. Come to find out, we had a very bad leak in our apartment which led to the entire removal of our cupboard, half the wall, and the workers threw our belongings and spices wherever they could. It was lovely to come home to a dirty and wet cupbaord propped on my nice couch....

My LUSCIOUS sister Maddie performed in Jr. Miss and did an amazing job. She was so beautiful up there on stage and she almost brought me to tears when she played her violin piece from "Schindler's List". Great job Mammy! We were all so proud of you!
p.s. Eth also deserves a round of applause for handling 2 nights of this girlie pageant haha

Yes. This was quite a while ago, but this is my darling brother Elder Tanner Dean Anderson.
He was such a stud as we left him at the MTC. I realized how much I really loved him when I had to hug him and say goodbye for 2 years. He was ready to go and is doing some really great things out in North Carolina! Go T-man!!!

This is also from Christmas but I had to brag up the gift my parents gave us older children in the family. This year they gave us gift certificates to Jakers to eat, and reserved a room for each couple at the Destinations Inn in Idaho Falls. THIS WAS SO COOL! Ethan and I stayed in Venice and it brought back so many memories of our Europe trip together. We had a great time watching a movie in our Gondola :)

Ethan loves food. I love food. We both love food. Food makes us happy.
Going out to eat is our biggest weakness in our marriage; we love it!
This is us at Tuacano's.
If you've never been up $20 and go. It's all you can eat of the most amazing food and cuts of meat. You will not be dissapointed.

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