Sunday, February 1, 2009

Holiday Fun

So I know that Christmas was in December, but we were having so much
fun with family and friends that I had no time to blog. I decided that I should
still share with you all how much fun we had.
"Oh there's no place like home for the Holidays!" We decided to have some fun one night
We were seriously laughing our heads off!

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009!!!!!!
Yanno what, I always dreamed of having someone I could
smootch when the ball fell....and now I do!! Oh it was wonderful :)

King of jowells and baby jowells.

Courtney has already learned how to play the piano! Look
how thrilled she is with herself. She's already so talented and smart.

The Richardson's came all the way from california!

All the married couples got to enjoy a dinner at Jakers. Mom and Dad
did this for one of our Christmas presents. Thanks!
Our traditional singing around the piano.

Ahhhhh, brotherly/sisterly love

Courtney wasn't quite sure what Aunt Ashley put on her head.

Here's Jaxon, Megan , and Courtney enjoying openeing their presents.
Well, I guess Jaxon doesn't look like he's enjoying himself?

How could you not be happy when these two little angels
are sitting on your lap. Oh it's so fun to have these little ones around.

Sad. I know. This is the only picture we took of the two of
us on Christmas Day. Don't ask me why I was pulling this face.
I don't expect you to understand because I don't even understand myself.
Of course we did our usual Pickle tradition on Christmas Eve. This year
we had 3 pickles, instead of just one and the most miraculous thing
happened. AUBREY FOUND ONE! She has never found one in her whole life.
Me, on the other hand, I've found it pretty much every year hahaha.
Notice how big Aubrey's pickle is compared to mine hee, hee. Love you sis.

Baby Jay and his adorable outfir from Megan. We really decked
him out for the holidays cuz he doesn't get to wear warm clothes
in California. Isn't he a stud muffin :)


Aubrey said...

hey me finding the pickle wasn't THAT amazing. If I didn't have a sister who CHEATED then I wouldn've found it long ago. And mine was bigger because it was the best. So ha.

Jill said...

Thanks for posting these pics. You brought the whole holiday back in just one blog! I miss you and you're only across town!!!

JeNnA said...

Hey ash i sure am glad that you are doing so amazing! What a fun thing to do for your anniversary!!(sp) congrats on the year!! Sure miss ya!

Beth Willmore said...

You guys are so cute! I'm glad I stumbled across your blog so I can keep in touch! :)

Seth and Emily said...

Oh my HHHeck! Dad! It has been too long my friend. How the heck are ya! You're lookin good! My goodness, I don't know if I've ever seen such a good lookin' family. I love you all a whole lot. Hope everything's going so well for you. I'm adding you to my blog list, I hope that's alright. - Emilacious

Phyllis Bestor said...

What a fun blog, Ashley and what a fun person, you are. Happy birthday to ALL of you. How are things going! we love you