Thursday, August 21, 2008

Ethan's SURGERY- face & bum

Ethan had a cyst on his face that kept getting bigger and bigger, plus a pilonydal cyst on his rear. Luckily the doctor could flip him like a pancake and remove both cysts at the same time. As you can see in picture 2- he was very excited to be put under. After surgery, the only phrase he'd say was, "Woah! That was sooooo coool...." Unfortunately, I will not be showing pictures of his rear, butt I'm sure you'll understand :) He had 6 stitches on his face (about 1 inch long) and his other side was 4 inches long......about 15 stitches. Yes, it's literally- a pain in the butt. Poor Eth


Ashley Sullenger said...

Well what do ya know!! YOu two have had a very fun vacation!!! Cute pic with you and Aub. And man, two surgeries for you in the same month??? Crazy! That's gotta be tough!! That's not a very fun place to get it either...his rear.. haha! You workin anywhere else now that you're finished with Wingers?/ I need to find a job that the shack will be ending! Hey did I ask ya for your address?? I don't think so, if I did just ignore it!

Aubrey said...

glad it's doing better eth! Hal, where are your pictures now?

The Batemans said...

Thank you for not posting the pictures of the rear! Glad you guys are improving!