Saturday, August 23, 2008


I went into surgery on Friday-two days after Ethan. They went through all sorts of procedures before the actual surgery and gave me some intense medicine. My disgusted face in pic 2 is because the medicine made my head itch so bad! I was itching like crazy and it brought me to tears-ethan then stepped in and scratched for me. It also made me very drousy and I fell asleep long before they took me in. I don't remember anything after that. My recovery from the medicine took a while and I freaked out. My eyes wouldn't focus no matter how hard I tried and I didn't know what was going on- I hyperventalated. I stayed overnight because I wasn't getting enough oxygen in my lungs. I went home the next morning.
Now my leg is wrapped and I always wear this HUGE leg brace. I couldn't bath for a while but when I could, Ethan had to help me-it takes a long time. Ethan has to helped me with a lot of things and he has been so helpful. Since we are both in pain we sit on the couch/chair and watch Olympics, movies, color scooby doo pics, play UNO, and have a lot of time to talk with each other. We've had fun but we do feel lazy. This week I got my 15+ staples out and Eth got all of his stitches out. We are both healing well, but I'm saddened when I look at my leg. For those of you that remember the size and strength of my thighs......they are no longer what they used to be. My hurt leg is about half the size of the other and it is completely jello; so depressing :( Now I go to therapy 3 times a week and I am slowly progressing. I work in the pool and on the bike for now- not much movement but they say I'm doing very well. We'll see how the next month goes.....


Jill said...

Looking at the before and after pics, I'm not sure which was worse!! Glad to know that you both healing okay and remember I'm just down the street and only a phone call away.

Aubrey said...

Wow! you sure have had a filled summer. I remember my leg getting jelloy like that,and my muscle did come back. It takes some work, but it will get there. I'm so glad you both are doing so well!

JeNnA said...

i am sorry ash! i hate hospitals. but i think one of the first things i noticed about your pictures was that you have BUFF legs!! haha love ya!

Chelli said...

I hope you're enjoying ALL the movies you have to watch cuz I happen to know you have about a gazillion!!

Keep feeling better and if your mom isn't home to help, you know I am.

Ben's Major Jaw Reconstruction said...

Hey Andy!!! HOpe you are doing better!!! thanks again for letting us stop by a few weeks ago! It was so good to see you again!!!! Sure love ya!

Jill said...

Why is it that grandfather bess, one of the instigators of marriage, kids, games, and fun----is the last to see skinny legs, puffy faces, hospital beds, and all that good stuff???? and so a belatted wish for rapid and easy recuping. as for this going hunting for "family food" UMMMMMMMMMMM sounds fishy. luv to you two rascals. rollie ray

gelly said...

Andy that's crazy! I would totally be your personal nurse/slave if I still lived up there. Scandalous was on the radio the other day and I thought of you :) I'm coming up for Thanksgiving, we should all get together and go to lunch or something. We'll work out the details later.