Thursday, July 7, 2011

Wyoming on the 4th!

What do you do in Wyoming?
Well, let me show you....
Please notice the gorgeous background which just so happens to be the backyard Ethan grew up in. The whole time we were in Star Valley I just felt so free and relaxed! It's quiet and peaceful everywhere; I love it.
We enjoyed the outdoors!
Yes, and of course the GUNS. The guys had to go have their manly-man time together "shootin' them guns ups on the ranch."
OF COURSE WYATT... thanks again for such a lovely version of "cheese!"
There were lots of grandchildren running around getting wet from the hose and muddy from the dirt, yet look at this face. . . Wyatt loved it!
There were lots of cowboy boots and cowboy hats of all different shapes, sizes, and colors :) When you're a male on the ranch, you gotta have a good lookin' pair of boots with a hat to top it off.

Wyatt stole Papa's hat for a while and we HAD to take a million pictures of him with it on, of course. SO CUTE!

Fortunately for me, since Ethan enjoys our camera so much, I get to be in a lot of the pictures now! Most of the time it's the opposite way around but I'm loving how I get to be seen in the action with Wyatt. I want my little boy to know that I bathed him most the time, that I dressed him every morning, that I ran around in the dirt with him, and that I made him laugh hard. He'll be more likely to believe me if there are pictures to show him :) Great picture taking babe. Mmmmmwa!
Ahhhhhh, here's my boys. The handsomest boys I've ever seen and they're all MINE! These two spent a lot of time together this weekend and it was really fun to watch the two of them. Wyatt learns a lot from his Daddy :)
If Ethan could do this every day, he'd be in heaven. I love seeing Ethan like this because HE loves it so much. It's always fun when we get to go to Wyoming because we get to do all of THIS

TO BE CONTINUED...........
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Megan said...

Love it. YOu guys got some great pics! They made me very homesick. I can't wait to get back to small town life and live next to the mountains. I miss the slow pace, fresh air and good people. I want my kids to have that.

JeNnA said...

Dearest Ashley-
Wyoming IS beautiful!! I love all your pictures, I am also glad to see you in them! You look GREAT!! And your little man is a studdly studd studd!! And what a fabulous 4th you had! And the funny story about the finale firework was hilarious. I was picturing it! Sigh! Sure love ya!!!