Monday, November 29, 2010

Trying to Catch Up . . .

I know I am totally behind on these blog posts, but I finally found a little time to relax. School is insane these days, but I love it. I'm just glad that I've been able to celebrate the holidays :)

I've set the bar pretty high for myself throughout the years when it comes to dressing up, so I couldn't wimp out this year. To be honest, I was struggling to find something to wear but finally remembered a costume I wore in high school one time. "Hello Queen Amidala."

Ethan, on the other hand, got the hilarious idea to dress up like a Scottish man. Instead of a kilt, he dealt with extremely short, shorts. Let me tell you, he got a lot of funny looks.

Then there's Wyatt who got stuck with wearing this bird suit which someone gave us from DI. See, Wyatt has no freedom of choice on this matter really. So while he is in this state of non-verbal communication, Mommy and Daddy are going to enjoy this control of choosing for him :) Didn't we do good?

"He can fly, he can fly, he can fly!"

Ello mate! Nice legs!

My cute little birdie. Literally, at one time, you were an egg. Now look at you! A cute little birdie who needs feeding and nurturing until you can learn how to fly yourself. For now, we will teach you and help you learn the things you need to know to survive and enjoy the ride. Then when the time comes, we will watch you soar to new heights and smile at you while you take your journey. Until then, we will be huddled together in the same little nest for quite some time :)

We had a total BLAST the night of Halloween because we had a poppin' ward party. We actually had a ward DJ with speakers, lights, food, and decor galore! I did not hesitate to walk up to the dance floor by myself to start dancing. Sure, everyone was staring at me trying to figure out who in the heck I was while also pointing fingers at me because I looked ridiculous, but hey, they eventually figured out that I didn't care!

The whole night Ethan and I were dancing together and with Wyatt at our feet--he like the music too. We did the cotton-eye-joe (are those the real words?) the Monster Mash, Thriller, and much, much more. I haven't had that much fun in a very long time. I was having so much fun that my face paint was starting to slide down the side of my face, if you know what I mean.

Ethan made me laugh because at one time, everyone formed a circle in the middle of the floor where people could show off their stuff. I nudged Eth and told him to do it. He said, "No! I can't dance." I just laughed and said, "Oh yes you do." He then skipped out to the middle of the floor and started doing his ridiculous dance moves. Everyone was laughing; some because of the moves, others because of his scandalous shorts. I was laughing at both.

The fun part for me is that I went to the middle of the floor and did "The worm"! I haven't done that since high school, but I was so pleased that the move stayed with me. I got a lot of loud cheers, just like the good ol' days. It made me happy :)

By the time we got home, all three of us were exhausted. We tried to clean ourselves up and ended up going right to bed. What a FUN HALLOWEEN! It's so worth it to dress up. It's so worth it to stay out and party a bit. It's so worth it to have fun.

Halloween can be a gas if you make it a gas.


Rowbury Adventures said...

ASH!! I totally have a picture with you in that costume back in the great ole' highschool day! you have one great lookin fam, looks like you had a super halloween!

Team Allen said...

I love halloween. Don't worry I'm not as skilled with the costumes as you I was a pregnant white trash girl...I have a lot to learn.
Come back already..I need to see your little baby who is not even a baby anymore..I'm glad you guys are doing good.
Much love dearest ASh! Good job with school..

The French Way said...

Wow great costumes!!!! Sounds like you guys had fun living the good ole dance days! Good to be young again :)

Kaylie said...

Hahaha, I love that costume of yours. I totally remember you wearing it! Your little birdy was adorable as usual! And Ethan? gotta love him! :D

Glad you haven't lost your party!

Valerie said...

Those are some awesome leaves you took your pictures in!! WOW!!!

gelly said...

Agreed--your costumes were all great. Now I can see that you married Ethan for his great legs. :o)
It was so good to see you a few weeks ago! Keep up the good work with school and things!

Jill said...

Man do you have a nice camera or did you hire a great photographer?!?!?! Love your posts. AT least I can catch up here in case I don't see you during the week!

Megan said...

How fun! I bet you love your ward! I love you Ash, I totally would have boogied down with you.