Saturday, October 16, 2010

Stinky Feet #2: Are you kidding me?


This will be brief because I do not wish to dwell on my frustration of the situation.

Yes, I had my second encounter with someone with stinky feet. It happened in the same exact class as my first entry.

I was so excited when I sat down in my chair this time because the "stinky feet girl" was absent! Woo-hoo! Fresh air for me today! It seriously made my day and I was ready for the 60 min lecture filled with normal aromas.

My excitement was crushed because of another horrifying smell. Noooooooooooo! This can't be happening! Why is it still here?

Again, I thought and was almost 100% convinced that it was me because how else could that smell still be here? Why else would I be smelling such an awful smell again?

Frustrated and very confused, I began to search my surroundings once again to find the culprit. Then I saw it. There, sitting directly in front of the first stinky feet victim, sat another stinky feet victim. ANOTHER GIRL HAD TAKEN OFF HER SHOES TO LET HER FEET AIR OUT! Oh. My. Gosh.

I couldn't believe it. I started chuckling to myself because I had reached the point that I was so mad at the situation that it was funny. You know how that happens sometimes and you can't help but laugh? That is all I could do to relieve my frustration. I rolled my eyes, released a few giggles, and proceeded to breath through my straw the entire rest of the hour.


Jaxon said...

Ash, you kill me...

Watt Family said...

Are you pregnant?!?! Hahaha! You know these stinky feet could be the beginning of very unusual "stank"! Now that class will be known as your stinky feet class...I'm glad I haven't had one of those. Good luck, my friend!

JeNnA said...

Dang!!! And by the way... I CANNOT believe that you little man is a eyar old. I just can't now way. But thats awesome and he sure is a little studd! Sure love ya!

Jill said...

So is now the time to confess that I actually air out my feet in church?!?!?! But I do use BONDS powder for feet every week before I go!!!!

Ashley Sullenger said...

hahaha I can totally picture you looking all around with a disgusted/intense face.

Nathan & Marlese Seaver said...

BWAHAHAHAHAHA that is SO funny!! yet i totally feel your pain... that is not fun to have to smell that... i am sorry. thanks for the good laugh and visual :)

T said...

Holy sickness