Sunday, October 24, 2010

"Scrubba dub, you did WHAT in the tub?"

I was gently easing Wyatt into the tub when he started to pull some interesting faces.

He was just standing there in the water and I was watching . . . waiting . . . waiting. . .

He started to grimace and grunt and then I realized what was going on-- OH NO!


(Copy and paste this link and watch the video it's worth your time, I promise!)

Sadly, I had to clean it up with my hand. SICK!


JeNnA said...

That is so flippin hilarious! Thanks for sharing. Anf Faye did this the other day. It was fun!

Beth Willmore said...

Um yeah Parker used to do that all the time. LOVELY! Why don't the dads ever have to scoop poop out of the tub with their hands?

Watt Family said...

Hahaha I am just waiting for those days to come...they have to come for every mom eventually right?!

Rowbury Adventures said...

oh my gosh for some reason I always leave your blog laughing outloud to myself! You are TOO funny ash bash and I'm sorry you had to clean that up with your hand... uhhh good thing he is so darn adorable!

Jaxon said...

pretty sure I'm a Dad and have definitely scooped poop out of the bathtub... Ash, you kill me!

Jill said...

What's wrong with all of you? Why on earth are you using your hands? Did I not teach you better than that?

Megan said...

Yucky poopoo! The worst is newborn mustard seed doody. It sticks to everything and doesn't want to be washed down.

Kaylie said...

Haha, so great! I remember my mom telling us stories about my big brother doing that in the tub when he was a little boy. Except that after he did it, he'd grab the little poop pieces in his hands and say, "Look Mom, candy!" :D