Sunday, October 3, 2010


Wyatt is officially a year old now. He was born early Monday morning on Sept 21, 2009 at Madison Memorial Hospital. I can remember that day very well. I remember how I felt the first time I saw him all hooked up to tubes and machines. I remember thinking, "Is this how most births go? Is this normal for me not to hold my child right after he's born? Should I be worried for him and his condition?" All sorts of thoughts ran through my head when he was first born. I remember how tiny and wrinkly his entire body was-- it was like he needed FRAGILE stamped on his chest. I remember having to leave Wyatt in his incubator many times so I could go to my class on campus--that was torture. I remember lying in my bed at home with Ethan the first night and I balled my eyes out because Wyatt was not home with us yet. I could already feel that something was missing; his sweet spirit was missing. I remember waking up early before my alarm went off because I was so anxious to head up to the hospital and see Wyatt before I had to go to school. All of these vivid memories still linger in my head as new memories are being captured day by day. Our family has been through a lot this past year and it has definitely brought us closer. It's so hard for me to accept that he's a year old already. Wow.

We had a mini celebration for Wyatt on his Birthday which consisted of nothing more than: a family get together, a small birthday cake, the Anderson family birthday rendition, a few presents, one candle, smiles and laughs. It was simple and perfect. After all, he won't remember it anyway ha-ha.

He did enjoy looking at his little candle though. He likes fire! We thought maybe he'd see the frosting and dive in, but the opposite happened. He didn't even want to touch it! We had to help him get dirty.
This is about as excited and thrilled as he was about getting messy. He actually cried quite a bit ha-ha. All of us had a good laugh.
The frosting did not come off well at all in his bath and he didn't like that much either. I had to scrub really hard--not pleasant. This was the dirtiest bath he's ever taken. The water was disgusting when we were through.
Wyatt is quite the character these days. Look here: he is peeing like a man! Not really, but it sure looks like it huh? We were all dying of laughter. Wyatt has the incredible ability to make us laugh and make us happy. I hope this stays with him the rest of his life. Wyatt's life has given us life.

We want to thank everyone for sending birthday wishes and gifts his way. Although he didn't understand how to unwrap his presents and didn't get that these toys were HIS, they will all come in handy. We had a fun time celebrating his birthday and giving him lots of love. For me, his birthday was full of much pondering and memories. I was very reminiscent the whole day, thinking about all the memories I have of him already. It's still so hard for me to accept that he's a year old. We love this boy!


The French Way said...

YAY! Happy Birthday Wyatt! We love you! He is so cute! Great pictures of him! I love the one when he's picking at his fingers while in his highchair with the cake. So precious! Crazy we have 1 year olds! So fun!

Brian and Kayla said...

Looks like you had a fun time! He really is a beautiful baby.

Jill said...

Well said my daughter, Wyatt's mommy! He is lucky to have you to call his mom. I see the love you feel for him every day by the way you show it. I admire you and all you do every day of your life! The day you were you gave me new life!!!!

Lizzy said...

Adorable. He really is so lucky to have you as a mom Ash, give him a big birthday kiss from me!!

Watt Family said...

Andy I miss you guys too! I can't believe Wyatt is already one! SO EXCITING!!! He is one handsome boy with a cute bum! :) It's amazing how fast time flies with children. They are the best!

Sadie Lynn said...

LOVE LOVE LOVED this! You said everything perfectly. Happy Birthday to Wyatt!

Valerie said...

So you celebrate his birthday at 6 months of age? Cuz that doesn't seem possible that he is one!! Holy cow!!
Well, you have the most adorable one year old I know! Happy Birthday Baby Wyatt!!!

gelly said...

haha, nothing is as cute as a naked baby. Happy birthday to the sweet little guy! You are a great mom Andy!

Pierce said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my handsome godson!! I need to see him. If you need a date night in Idaho Falls drop him off at my house and I would love to watch him :) We need to get together!!! Happy Birthday Wyatt!!! Love you

Rowbury Adventures said...

WHAT A cute naked little bum! happy birthday to your adorable little man..he is the cutest little guy ever I might add..

Kyle and Char said...

Happy Birthday Wyatt!! I can't believe he's already one! Hope you guys are doing well!

Megan said...

Oh, cute boy. I am so sad we couldn't participate in the celebration. We sure miss you guys!! Love you!

Megan said...

By the way...Jaxon is going to be as proud of that picture as I am sure Ethan is!