Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Ethan's 2nd Update

Hello Everyone,

Just thought that I would give everyone an update about my life again, since a couple of people said that they don't hear enough from me. 2 MORE TESTS!!!! That is all that I have left for this semester. Well that is all that I have for my big classes for my undergrad. I still have 2 classes (religion & english) How can I forget a religion class? I am the son a religion teacher and a son-in-law to another religion teacher. That is pretty embarassing.

Anyway here it goes. I have never been so busy in my life than these last 2 semesters. I have loved it. I honestly love to work. I am one of those weird guys that love to be busy because it helps me relax. Don't ask me how, but it does. I want to thank all of those that have helped out Ashley and I with Wyatt this semester. We do apologize if he was being a little stinker at all. he definitely gets that from his mother. haha

Right now as soon as the semester is done there will be a couple of things that is going to happen with the Felix family.
  1. Go camping
  2. horse rides with dad
  3. put more time into the canvas picture company
  4. work more with the window washing company as well
  5. Family reunion (Anderson & Hyde)
  6. Teach Wyatt how to walk
  7. Get my trigger finger ready for hunting season, (got to have my wife massage it)
  8. Who knows what else.
I have been very blessed to have this window washing company. It has helped us out so much. I will be working more for that now that I don't have any things to hold me back. (LIKE SCHOOL) It has been very hard to put all of my efforts into that business because I have been going to school full time every summer for the past 3 years. It has been very hard for me to put all of my focus on them, but not for long.

Also Wyatt has figured out how to do the army crawl and he is going everywhere. He is a character. He is just growing into a little man.

That is all for now.


gelly said...

Your plan for summer sounds excellent, Ethan. Congrats on finishing things up!

bren said...

We miss you guys! We wish we could be up there to see everyone and go to Matt & Chelsea's graduation. But with a newborn and all we've got going on, it's just not going to happen. :/ So... you're continuing the canvas picture business? I hope you'll continue at least until we get a new place because I would LOVE to get some fall family pics onto canvas! Lemme know.

-Brendi (& Rusty:)

p.s. you got my blog invite right? I think our OLD blog address is still in your links. Let me know if you can't get to it and I'll resend you another one.

Beth Willmore said...

Hey guys! Ethan- my mom called you a while ago about window washing and didn't hear back from you. She's still looking for someone to wash her windows if you want to give her a call at 359-9574. Thanks!