Sunday, June 27, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Although I am about a week late on recognizing my husband as being a wonderful Father to Wyatt, I wanted to thank him just the same. Here are some pictures that show a glimpse of the kind of father Ethan is to Wyatt.

They spend time in bed together :)
Ethan usually spends time with Wyatt in the morning waking him up, or at night when he gets home from school. This time is precious for the two of them.

Sunday and Monday nights are Daddy's time to bathe Wyatt. Ethan is really cute with Wyatt in the tub. I know Wyatt loves this change since Mommy usually does all the washing.

On Sundays these two are so cute together in their Sunday outfits.

Wyatt is fascinated with Daddy's body parts and face especially. Wyatt is always wanting to grab Ethan's cheeks, glasses, nose, and lips. It's fun to watch.

This is Daddy playing with Wyatt while Mommy gets dinner ready. This is one of my favorite pictures of these two. Wyatt is totally posing :)

Wyatt and I are so lucky to have a Daddy like Ethan. I know that Wyatt will look up to Ethan in all that he does and I'm grateful for a husband who takes pride in his kid. I smile when I see Ethan and Wyatt with their cowboy hats on in the kitchen reciting the words to "Ringo" or dancing and bouncing to "Bananza!".

I laugh when I turn the corner and Ethan is dancing for Wyatt in his high chair. He looks so ridiculous haha.

I stand and stare with adoration when I enter our bedroom and Ethan is teaching Wyatt about the trees, plants, and birds that are sitting outside our bedroom window.

I giggle when Ethan talks to Wyatt in Spanish . . . especially since Wyatt looks at him like he's crazy!

Ethan is a wonderful and determined person who wants to be a good Father and example to his children. I'm grateful that I married such a wonderful man who I know will take pride in what he teaches his children. We love you Daddy!

I'm also very grateful for my own Father, Ron, who has been a consistent and valiant Father. My Dad has taught me, "When life gives ya lemons, make lemonade!" He's taught me to, "Suck it up!" He's taught me that, "When the urge to procrastinate comes upon you . . . put it off." He's taught me many more things that have been influential in my life and I thank him for it. He has always been my #1 fan and he continues to be. I love you Dad. Thanks for being such a righteous Father. You are a very tender and loving man; I love it.

I am also very grateful for Kevin, a.k.a. Pappa Hyde. He has been such a great example to both Ethan and I of how to put the gospel first in our lives and to always WORK before PLAY. He is a very smart man who is full of common sense. He teaches me something every time we visit and he has taught Ethan more lessons then can fit on this page. What wonderful Father's Ethan and I have. We are very blessed and we appreciate the love our Father's continue to show us.



Rowbury Adventures said...

aww what a sweet post.. I JUST LOVE That adorable little guy. It was great seeing you both the other weekend I miss you lots! And I'm so happy we will NEVER forget out special handshake..

Megan said...

So Sweet! Love the pics! I am sure Ethan is loving being a dad. Especially since Wyatt is getting so interactive and fun. Can't wait to see all of you! LOVES

Abby said...

Wyatt is one cute baby!! Holy cow. It's amazing how chubby he is considering he was little when he was born! Good to see what's going on with you guys!