Sunday, June 27, 2010


I've been trying a few new recipes lately and they have turned out pretty well. I'm that much closer to being a domestic goddess. The top dish was a delicious pasta dish with peppers, onions, spaghetti sauce, italian sausages, and lots of seasoning. We both liked it a lot but it did produce some gaseous fumes later on......if you know what I mean?

Then, one Sunday, we decided to try these "Cornish Game Hens" which turned out amazing! It was so fun to have my very own juicy hen on my plate. The funny thing is, we decided what we're going to do in the near future. We want to have a MEDIEVAL DINNER with some friends of ours, just for kicks and giggles! We will have everyone dress up like knights and ladies, we will have our own family shield to represent ourselves, we will have a glorious dinner with all finger foods and these Cornish Game Hens for the main course, and then we will joust and play medieval games till wee hours of the night. What do you think? Anyone interested?

You may think I'm joking and that I'm poking fun, but in reality, I'M FOR REAL! I pictured the whole thing in my mind and I got so excited. If anyone wants to be a part, make a comment on this post. haha


Aubrey said...

we're interested! How fun! Get me tickets and I'll be there!

Jill said...

I'll be the BLUE knight and all the grandkids can cheer for me!!!!

Tuzi Salz said...

That would be a dang hilarious night! You are a funny girl. I can just see you brewing up this whole idea in your head while staring at a wall or something.

Jesika Harmon said...

Hilarious! That made me think of the Medieval club at BYU...I don't know if you had that at BYUI, but they would dress up and practice jousting out on the was hard not to laugh when they took it so seriously! It was cool though :) (In case anyone reading this was part of it!)