Saturday, January 9, 2010

New Faces and Holiday Fun!

What a wonderful Christmas vacation we had as a family! First, we spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with Ethan's family in Star Valley Wyoming where we had a wonderful time with the family. The children acted out the nativity (which was hilarious) and I played some carols on the piano. Christmas morning was definitely an adventure watching all the boys rip open their presents and scream with joy. I love seeing the happiness and joy of the season. It warms my heart. Mamma Jan and Pappa Hyde sure did spoil us this year... we thank them so much for the much needed gifts they gave. We had a wonderful holiday this year!

Also for the holidays, Wyatt got to meet a lot of new faces he's never seen before. On our way to Arizona, (to go visit Ethan's grandma) we stopped at the Bestor home where Wyatt met grace and Grandpa for the first time. Kristin and Bill were there too so Wyatt got to meet their whole family too. Then we stopped in St. George and stayed with Aunt Carrie, Uncle Lon, and Sara Clara where all of them adored Wyatt. Sara and Aunt Carrie held him the entire time we were there and kept fighting over him ha-ha. Surprisingly, Wyatt handled all the new faces really well and loved being held by anyone and everyone.

This is probably my most favorite part of Christmas (above). I spent quite a few hours making these cute wooden picture blocks for Ethan for his Christmas present. I enjoy and appreciate homemade gifts much more than store bought gifts, so I thought I would do the same for Ethan. They mean so much more to me because of the time, effort, and love that is put into them. I was thrilled with these because they are not only packed with some of my favorite pictures of us, but they also made for some great decor in the house! In years to come I will continue to make blocks for each of the children and put their pictures on them too. I think it will be a wonderful family tradition.

We sure do love the Henderson family!
Aunt Carrie and Wyatt :)
(he looks like he's trying to punch someone)
Bill, Kristin, Kayla, Will, Ethan, Me and Wyatt
Our wonderful Grandparents! Rollis and Philly :)
Wyatt's GREAT grandparents
Grandma Phyllis helped bath Wyatt while we were there.
CHRISTMAS MORNING 6:00 a.m. Ethan's holding Wyatt and I'm holding baby Chase.
This was such a cute picture--sorry it's so dark. Wyatt stared at the Christmas tree lights for a long time. It was so cute to watch him smile and kick his little feet in excitement.
This is Dayton and Ashlynn who proudly took on the roles of a Shepherd, (or as Dayton thought, "I'm a ninja!") and the beautiful virgin Mary. They all did such a great job that day. All the parents were proud of course.

Despite the many gifts we received, I want my Heavenly Father to know how grateful I am for the many gifts he has given me.
I thank thee for:
*The birth of thy son, Jesus Christ, and that he was willing to die for me.
*The prophet, Joseph Smith, who sacrificed so much to restore this church on the earth and for all the prophets that have followed him.
*The spirit, which guides and directs me each day.
*A loving and wonderful family who has loved me from the very beginning and supported me in all my many activities.
*Two amazing parents that have protected, loved, and taught me so many things and have loved me since the day I was born.
*An amazing and humorous husband who has made my life worth living.
*A healthy and strong body that functions properly and supports me.
*A beautiful and healthy son that has brightened up my life and made Ethan and I so happy.
*Everything I have been given and blessed with throughout my life. For the many talents I've been entrusted with, the many friends I have made, and the many spiritual moments I've had.

For everything that I have, I thank thee.


Rowbury Adventures said...

Ash what a cute post, your such an amazing person! WhEN IS OUR GAME NIGHT!! We better be having one way soon!

gelly said...

Cute blocks, Andy! Very nice.

Ashley Sullenger said...

I've made some of those blocks for all the grandparents now! Yours turned out very cute! I can't get over how big your little guy is getting. Good luck with surgery if your haven't gotten it already! Enjoy the break home with wyatt, it goes by too quickly!