Thursday, December 17, 2009

A baby blessing already!?!

Baby Blessing: DECEMBER 6, 2009
I can't believe it. I've already had a baby blessing for my own child..... what!? How can this be? Where did the time go? What happened to my baby boy who was 5lbs 9 oz. Better yet, what happened to all the nights of continual sleep? All of them are gone and part of the past now. My son will never be a tiny little guy again. He will never wear NB diapers anymore. He has already progressed and made it to size 1 diapers. That may seem like a silly thing to think about, but it's really a big deal. His little bottom is growing.

Sunday ended up being a wonderful day full of family, friends, and happy attitudes. I can't explain how fun it is to get your child ready for an event such as this. It's one thing to get nervous, anxious, or exciting about a piano recital, basketball game, or giving a talk, but it's quite another thing when it's your son's big day. I wanted him to look perfect for his special day. I wanted him to be fully fed and happy when he was brought into the middle of the circle surrounded by men. It felt just like I was going to a dance or something, except I just prepped him up instead of myself. Wyatt got to wear the same outfit my brother, Tanner, wore when he was blessed. The whole outfit was so cute and fit him rather nice. One yellow stain from baby Tanner added a nice touch and later that day, Wyatt decided to add his very own special smear to the outfit as well. He pooped right through his diaper and it got all over the cute little outfit. Oooooops!

The actual blessing was beautiful. Ethan did such a great job and I was so proud of him. As I listened to the words that were spoken I couldn't help but shed my happy tears. I was thinking about my little boy and how special he is; how much he means to me. There's not a better sight in the world than to see the backside of a bunch of men in a circle when they're using their priesthood power to bless a little child. How grateful I am to have a husband, father(in-law), brothers, and family members who hold this priesthood and can use it to bless others at any time. The Lord has blessed his sons with the gift and authority and I'm so glad to be a part of it. Altogether, the blessing was wonderful and the meeting was spiritual. Both Ethan and I were able to share our testimony to our son for the first time. What a wonderful day!

"Did ya see me Mommy....did ya see me today? I was a good boy while Daddy was holding me. There were a lot of big people staring down at me in the circle. I don't know who they were, but I know that they love me. I felt special today Mommy."
Grandpa Hyde holding his newest little grandson's. (Only 6 days apart)
Wyatt & Chase
Thanks to everyone who was able to make it to the blessing, and we appreciate those who tried to come, but had other obligations. We still love you :) The support means the world to us and we really do appreciate it. Family is what it's all about!
Back row, from L to R: Dane, Dayton, Marie, Logan, Ethan & Wyatt, Kevin, Jan, Maddie, Ron & Azeley, Megan, Taylor. Front row: Hannah & Chase, Me and Courtney, Jill.

A special thanks to Mom (Jill) for throwing a delicious lunch before the blessing :) Thanks again to everyone who participated in the circle and for the families that joined. We love you all!


The French Way said...

crazy how fast time goes isn't it???!!! wyatt is so adorable. that was a good day! thanks for letting us be apart of it!

Brian and Kayla said...

Just beautiful...we are so happy for you. He is a real cutie.

Valerie said...

THAT'S why it looked like your house was a car lot! We thought your mom was trying to keep up with the Walker's weekly Sunday dinner parties. (wink wink)
Congratulations! He is darling! And I'm glad his bum is growing. Just don't let it grow too fast.

(P.S. Is it me, or is your mom in that group picture too?)

Beth Willmore said...

Oh congratulations Ash - he's such a cute little guy. Isn't it amazing how our perspective on what's important changes when these little guys come along! You look fabulous of course and I'm glad that you guys had such a good day!

Rach said...

oh what a neat day! i'm glad everything went well for you! Thanks for sharing the experience!

Bill, Kristin, Will and Kayla said...

You are such an amazing mother already. Wyatt is a very lucky little boy. I hope we get to meet him soon (Christmas maybe...what are your plans?) Love ya!

Rowbury Adventures said...

OHH congrats on your baby blessing! He Is SO cute, and it was great seeing the both of you the other day.. we still need to get together and have a game night for sure. You and your husband have the same smile by the way.. Cute cute cute!

JeNnA said...

Awesome pictures!! Hey... here is the deal... we needto keepin ismy e-mail e-mail me your address and I will add you to my private blog. My mom toldmethat you ran into her...I gave you my
e-mail once before thought! Love ya ash! miss ya