Ethan's new saying is, "When mammas happy, everybody's happy." He's been so great to me while I've been pregnant. He gets me my cravings, rubs my back, hugs me, and is just always there for me. I LOVE YOU ETHAN. I can't wait for you to be a Daddy.
More scenery pictures. I love the red color of the rocks. Oh, and I'm not really showing yet in my belly, except for a little pooch right above my belt. I think you can kinda see it in this picture. Not that I want you to zoom up or anything-- oh dear don't do that. I just thought I would say so incase someone thinks I've gained weight.
Here is Ethan's dear grandmother, "Nana" waving goodbye to us. She absolutely LOVES Ethan and calls him her "Golden Boy". She was so kind to us while we were there and we can never thank her enough. Melissa, Ethan's Aunt, was also there and we had a great time with them both
Nana has a grapefruit tree in her backyard and decided she wasn't going to eat any of them. Of course Ethan and I didn't want to see these scrumptious things go to waist so we went to work picking them off the tree....
Here's Ethan holding a rather large grapefruit in the grapefruit catcher!
I think I had a little too much fun with this little tool. I stole it from Ethan actually because I was having so much fun with it. We were intentionally going to take one large box of them, but ended up with 3 boxes because of the fun I was having haha. Oh and did I mention that it was really hot down there? Shorts and short shirts is all we wore while visiting...
This is Ethan's half sister, Mary. We're very excited for her because she is investigating the church and is scheduled to have a baptismal date set up for March 16th or so. We are praying hard for her and want her to know that this church is true. It is the only true church on this earth and is led by the prophets of the church who recieve direct revelation from Jesus Christ. This is his church and it is the only church that can bring you true happiness.
Oh this is just me lounging on the couch. Probably before/after one of my many naps?
Ethan absolutely LOVES cats and he loves to tease them. He spent a lot of quality time with Tiger.
Ethan in front of what is called the "Painted Desert". It was very pretty.
I don't Ethan and I have ever stopped as much as we did on this trip going down. I had to use the restroom so many times, or else I just had to stretch my legs and walk around. This did slow us down quite a bit, but we still had a good time. Out of the 30+ hours that we drove, I only drove 2 whole hours. Yes, I was quite pathetic. I took naps right and left and was never awake long enough to be able to drive very long. I was amazed at how long Ethan can stay awake while driving. Woah Babah!
Overall we had a great trip and it was a good little break from our every day life in Rexburg. Now we'll just wait to here from the scholarship people to see if he qualifies? Keep us in your prayers.
How fun! I am glad that we weren't the only ones that had a little vacation. I am sure Ethan did great in his interview. He is one person that you only have to meet once to know he is awesome.
Looks like you had a blast. 3 Arby's sandwiches sis?! WOW! you've got me beat for sure! Love you guys
Holy update! haha I'm glad now that I know everything in your life again... I wasn't sure the prego lady was alive! I'm glad you got thru the first trimester! It's a hard one! Don't know if you've heard, but you and Candee Lee are due so close together!! (I think like a week) I can't remember your exact due date, she's due on the Oct 17th or something. Fun stuff!
Please keep updating us thru the pregnancy, quite entertaining! haha and 3 Arby's sandwhiches??? haha oh my, it reminded me of Jr Olympics and how many of those hamburgers did you eat???? Oh, the good times!
Hey Congrats!! When are you due? I'm due on October 10th so it sounds like we're kinda close together!! I got your message the other day and tried calling you back but never got a hold of you! Anyways I hope you're feeling better the first couple months are killers and well.. I can't really say it get a whole lot better! Ha the throwing up stops then the heart burn begins!! The joys of life!!!
haHA! Andy, I think I would rather read your blog than anything else on earth. You and Ethan crack me up, and WOW! I cannot express how excited I am for you two to be parents! I love you to pieces kid. What did Ethan apply to?
Fun Fun!! Ash you look so good for being a cute little prego lady!! i cant wait to find out what you are having!!! you guys are cute and funny!!
I am so glad that you went wild picking grapefruits! They are delicious! Even better than the cake we had last night. :)
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