Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Once everything is cut up into steaks, hamburgers, ribs, and more...
We get to wrap them all up into packages--ready for eating.

The butcher takes the four HUGE slabs of meet and slowly cuts them
into eatable pieces...this whole process takes up to 5-6 hours.

Yes, this is disturbing, but I just wanted everyone to see where
I shot the buffalo- right between the eyes. The cooles part
about it is when we mount the skull in our house, the bullet hole
will be visible in the skull. COOL!
Here I am with the buffalo head and the actual gun I shot it with.
For any of you that know anything about's a 7mm.

All of you have wondered how I stay so strong and fit? This

is my secret...Rocky Balboa taught me this :) Every night baby

My friend Jamie Walker (Jaim-0) came along with us to enjoy

this wonderful, special, and eventful day. Hahaha she was a bit

queezy after seeing all this... Love ya Jaim!

WARNING: PG-13 material. This would be the gut pile of a buffalo

Here's me and Eth right after I shot the buffalo. Look at that beauty....

(I'm talking about me of course :)

Eth is so thoughtful to me. He decided to give me my
Christmas present early along with a poem...
Ashley my love, this heart is for you.
It represents the love I have for you.

The actual date of this buffalo hunt was Sat. Nov 22, 2008. Ethan and I went in on this with my parents (Ron and Jill) and we split the cost. Our buffalo cost about $1200 so you can see it's a serious investment. I was very nervous when we pulled up to Eths house and I wasn't sure if I would be able to pull the trigger. I love animals very much and have never killed one in my life. Unfortunately, as soon as I held that 7mm gun in my hand everything changed..... the adrenaline kicked in and it felt good to have a gun in my hands. I wasn't afraid to do it anymore- I was just afraid I'd miss.
Ethan, Pappa Hyde, and the butcher all gave me helpful hints and tips on where and how I should kill the massive buffalo. I listened to each of them and raised the gun to my shoulder, ready to shoot. It was dead silent as I aimed the scope at the beasts forehead.... the look of fear was in his eyes; he knew he was a gonner. After about 3 minutes of aiming (hahaha I wanted to be sure I got him in the right spot) I pulled back the trigger and KABOOM!!!!!!!! I heard Pappa Hyde and Ethan yell, "Thatta girl!" and I looked up from my gun to see my buffalo dead on the ground. I killed it in one clean shot and put that poor thing out of his misery! I do admit, I felt bad when I saw its legs kicking in the air and then it lay motionless on the ground, but I soon got over it. I was a huntin' girl now.... I had to be tough :) You can now call me Calamity Jane!
After many pictures were taken the cutting, slicing, and dicing began and I watched my husband get all bloody and gross with the buffalo guts. It is quite an incredible thing to see how this animal went from a wild beast minding his own business, to a delicious juicy roast on my plate. I have become very educated in the animal world thanks to Ethan and his family and I'm so grateful for the knowledge I'm recieving; no matter how disgusting it is. The meat from this buffalo was also divided between us and my parents and filled up an entire freezer in their garage! Wow! We won't be hungry for food for a long time now. It feels good to provide meat for the family haha jk
It's only been a month now and we've enjoyed many different varieties of burffalo dishes on our plates now. Steaks, hamburgers, taco's, enchillada's, chimichangas, roast, and much more is on the way. Let us know if you'd like to try some....we have plenty!!


gelly said...

haHA! Hilarious! Andy, you are the shizzle! Look at you shootin up those buffalo-s. That's how the West was won, my dear. Miss you tons.

Ben's Major Jaw Reconstruction said...

Oh wow Andy..that's all I can WOW! haha no worries when it comes to your food storage! One gigantic buffalo should last ya for a while! And that mounted head is gonna be one conversation starter! Thanks for the tips too about how to say so tough! you put the BUFF in BUFFalo...haha wow...anyway...hope ya had a great Christmas! miss you!!!

Kaylie said...

Cute, Andy....very cute...

Chelli said...

If you happen to be at your mom's house when you read this comment listen hard.... you just might hear me vomiting next door.


Look at you. You won't be called Ashely or Andy at my house, your new name is BUFFALO HUNTER.

JeNnA said...

ash you freakin studd! thats awesome! way to go! I can tell you throughly enjoyed yourself... what a fun time! sure miss ya

Ashley Sullenger said...

Andy, what the heck! haha So, I know they call Ethan the buffalo slayer (I didn't know his real name for about ever) but I really didn't think they were serious! Where do you go to shoot these huge things?? IT's freakin rad, ha they're huge! WHen did you take hunters ed? haha Oh man I laughed over this one!!! I think I might need to shoot one myself now.

bren said...

Holy cow Ashley, this was crazy!! btw I got your blog address from Marlese. :) Let me know if you want ours. (its on private)

Jesika Harmon said...

You are hilarious Ash! You just commented on the family website about wanting a cute baby like Ella...I think it would be a good switch for you if this is what you are doing instead!! Love you Ash! That was quite the kill!! And Ethan's gift was the best :)

Rowbury Adventures said...

OHHH gosh I found your page and I WAS SOO EXCITED! and I just was laughing so hard at all your pictures...We really need to get together and do something fun cuz I miss you and our sweet hand shake!! Hope everything is going great for you!

Unknown said...

Hey Ashley,

How is married life treating you? It's been quite a while.