Sunday, November 2, 2008

Bread Experience

I decided to try and cook some bread and I'm pretty sure I let the bread rise WAYYYY TOO LONG!! The pictures don't do justice to the monstrosity of my bread creation. From the picture you can't really tell how hard I was laughing, but tears were streaming down my face from laughing so hard... I think I peed my pants a little too. I tell you what.... my cooking skills need some major work.


gelly said...

Hahaha! You did such a good job! That's enough bread to last for a month! I know all about the adventures in the kitchen. I'm trying to be domestic now...let's just say it doesn't always work out.

Ashley Sullenger said...

So.. haha I absolutely LOVE your cooking stories! Oh that bread is great! I shouldn't talk, because I still haven't attempted to make bread, (my mom still sends a loaf home with me randomly). But man, how long did you let it raise? I don't know which one is better, the bread or the pans in the oven! I love it!

Jill said...

I love it that you can laugh at yourself through the joys of cooking! I'm going on 28 yrs. and still don't have it right. Love your attitude about it and love your guts too!!!!

Aubrey said...

hahahaha oh sis you kill me! thanks for finally posting again!

Jesika Harmon said... least it wasn't flat! I bet it tasted yummy! Way to go Ash!